\version "2.12.2" \paper { between-system-spacing = #'((space . 0) (padding . 0) (stretchability . 0) (minimum-distance . 0)) } \header { title = "Glory to God" } \score { << \new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t r2. r r r r r r r r r r r r r e2. b2. a2. b2. } \new Staff { % vocals \time 3/4 \key e \major \tempo 4 = 176 \relative e' { gis4 a b b a gis fis2. gis b b4 a gis fis2.~ fis gis4 a b b a gis fis2. gis2 gis4 a a gis fis e dis \repeat volta 2 { e2. ~ e ~ e r } gis4 a b b a gis fis2. gis b b4 a gis fis2.~ fis gis4 a b b a gis fis2. gis2 gis4 a a gis fis e dis e2. ~ e ~ e r } } \addlyrics { Glo -- ry to God in the high -- est sing glo -- ry to God Glo -- ry to God in the high -- est and peace to his peo -- ple on earth! Glo -- ry to God in the high -- est sing glo -- ry to God Glo -- ry to God in the high -- est and peace to his peo -- ple on earth! } \new PianoStaff << \time 3/4 \new Staff { % right hand \clef treble \key e \major \relative c'' { R2.*14 \repeat volta 2 { 4 e8 b' e, b 4 dis8 b' dis, b 4 cis8 b'4 cis,8 gis' fis e b4 } 8( e b b' e, b) 4 dis8( b' fis dis) 4 cis8 b'4 e,8 8( gis' fis e b e) 4 e8( b' e, b) 4 dis8( b' fis dis) 4 cis8 b'4 e,8 8( e fis e fis) 4 e8 b' e, b 4 dis8 b' dis, b 4 cis8 b'4 cis,8 gis' fis e b gis' a( a, cis e a, cis fis b, e fis b, dis) } } \new Staff { % left hand \clef bass \key e \major \relative c, { R2.*14 \repeat volta 2 { 2. e'4. b e,2. e'4. b4 e,8 } 2. e'4. b e,2. e'4. b4 b,8 2. e'4. b e,2. e'4. b4 b,8 } } >> >> \midi { \context { \ChordNameVoice \remove Note_performer } } \layout { \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t } } }