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Re: Tablature spacing...

From: Éditions IN NOMINE
Subject: Re: Tablature spacing...
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 17:41:43 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20100411)

Xavier Scheuer from the french list answered me something that works perfectly : 

between-system-spacing = #'((minimum-distance . 8) (stretchability . 0))

in the \paper block. Strechability to 0 seems to avoid any fancy spacing by Lilypond. Minimal-distance is quite convenient because it doesn't adapt to staff-size. I will see later.

I said : quasi, because when the rythm line is empty (that's the case for Prelude line 2 and 3), the vertical spacing makes odd things (too large). So I put a rythm reminder above these 2 lines, and it solves the pb...

Thanks to Xavier !


Éditions IN NOMINE a écrit :
... and it's me again with something that has already treated millions of times, but I really can't manage with it...
This deals with  : VerticalAxisGroup  :-[ + TabStaff :-( , in order to create a French tablature.

Here's my score :

  \new Staff {\hampesprelude} %a line with rythm indications above the tablature
  \new TabStaff {
  \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #jenkinsI %viol tuning
  \prelude} % the tablature itself

I've been able to set the distance between my rythm indications and the TabStaff, using :

\context {
      \override VerticalAxisGroup #'next-staff-spacing = #'((minimum-distance . 10))

But I'm totally ignorant of the way I should set the distance between each line of tablature, that is after each break.
I've tried all the between-system-foo combination (except one, I think !), but it doesn't work.

Any help ?
Thanks !


For the holly ones who are goning to dive into this issue, here's the whole code : (rythm & tabs) :
\version "2.13"
hampesprelude =\relative c' {\stemUp d16 s8. s2. s1*6 s4. s d8 s4. d2}
prelude = \relative c {\time 2/2
bes16 f' g a bes c d ees f d f bes, a bes f d'
c d bes f bes, f' g f ees f d ees' g f d f bes, d, ees g a bes
c ees, d ees f\4 a bes c d f, g a bes d f a, g ees' d f, ees g
c d, c bes' f a bes, f' g a bes f\4 e d c f\4 e f\4 g\4 bes,
a f'\4 g, f'\4 e bes'\3 f, bes'\3 a\3 f g a bes c a bes c d bes c
d ees c d bes c d ees f g ees f \cadenzaOn d ees c d <c f,> ees, \bar "|"
<d f bes> c (bes) <bes' f\3 f\4 c f,> a (g) \bar "|" \cadenzaOff a8 bes ees a, <d bes f d bes>2 \bar "|."
hampesallemandeI =\relative c' {
\stemUp \autoBeamOff
d2 d8 d16 s s4 d4 d8 s d4 d8 s d8 s d4 d8 s d4 d4. d8 d4 s d4 s2. d2. s4 d4. d8 d4 d8 s
d4 s2. d4 d8 s s2 d8 s s4 d16 s d8 s4 d2 d4 d8 s d4 s2. d4 d8 s d4 s d4 d8 s d4 d8 s
d4 d8 s d4 s d4 d8 s d4 d8 s d4 d8 s s2 d2. s4
allemandeI = \relative c' {\time 2/2
<bes f d bes>2 s8 c16 d\2 ees\2 d\2 c bes\3 f'4 a,8 g f4 ees'8 d c8 d <ees bes g>4 d8 f, <c' g ees>4
<bes f d>4. c8 d4\2 ees, <c' f,>4 d <d bes g> e <f c f,>2. r4^\erreur \bar ":|:"
<c f,>4. bes8 a4 <g ees>8 a <bes g d>4 a <g ees> d c4 ees'8 d c (bes) a (g) <bes f d>8 c, bes c' d16\2 ees\2 d8\2 c bes\3
<c f,>2 f4 c8 d ees4 g, a <d bes> <c f,>4 c,8 d <g ees>4 g, <c a>4 f8\4 ees <d bes>4 a8 g
<f'\4 c f,>4 ees8 d <ees c fis,>4 f\4 <a f ees c g>4 d,8 c <bes' f d>4 c,8 (bes) <bes' f f\4 c f,>4 a8 g a bes ees a,
<bes f d bes>2. r4 \bar ":|"
} (layout !)
\version "2.13"
\layout {
      \context {
      \override BarNumber  #'stencil = ##f
      tempoHideNote = ##t }
      \context {%for the rythm line
      \remove "Clef_engraver"
      \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
      \remove "Staff_symbol_engraver"
      fontSize = #-3
      \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -3)
      \override Stem #'length = #5
      \override VerticalAxisGroup #'next-staff-spacing = #'((minimum-distance . 10))
      \context {
      \remove "Clef_engraver"
      tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format %letters
      \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #2 %space between the lines
      \override TabNoteHead   #'extra-offset = #'(0 . .4) %all the letters above their line, and not on it

      \context {
      \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
      \override Beam #'transparent = ##t
      \override Dots #'transparent = ##t
      \override TabNoteHead #'font-name = #'"Times New Roman Italic"
      \override TabNoteHead #'font-size = #3
      \override TabNoteHead #'whiteout = ##f
\paper {
between-system-space = 20 %NO EFFECT AT ALL !
bottom-margin = 0\cm
top-margin = 0\cm
indent = 30 \mm
between-system-padding = #0.5 %No EFFECT AT ALL !

and the main .ly :
\version "2.13"
#(set-global-staff-size 24)
\include ""

jenkinsI = #'(2 -3 -7 -10 -14 -19) %
F Bes d f a d' tuning

  \new Staff {\hampesprelude}
  \new TabStaff {  \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #jenkinsI \prelude}

  \new Staff {\hampesallemandeI}
  \new TabStaff {\set TabStaff.stringTunings = #jenkinsI \allemandeI}

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