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Re: Ties in alternative endings

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: Re: Ties in alternative endings
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 19:05:59 +0100

Patrick Karl wrote Ties in alternative endings

The NR deals with certain problems with ties in alternative endings, but I haven't seen a solution to the following problem:

\version "2.12.3"
\relative c' {
a' b c d~
\repeat volta 2 { d e f g }
\alternative {
{ a, b c d~ }
{ a1 }

The tie of the last note in the first alternative ending is not engraved, presumably because LilyPond sees that the next note, the a1 in the second alternative ending, is not the same and thus no tie is possible. The only way I see to deal with this at the moment is to replace the tie with a \laissezVibrer. Is that right?

I believe that is the only way to engrave what you want.
Thanks for pointing this out - I'll add this to the
Notation Reference.

There's actually another, related problem with this snippet. If I change the note in the second alternative ending to a "d1", then LilyPond happily engraves a tie between the last note of the first alternative ending and the note in the second alternative ending. I don't see an easy way to get LilyPond to deal with this problem correctly.

The only thing I can think of is \laissezVibrer again.

At present LilyPond does not handle ties in repeats with
alternatives very well.  It is even worse when lyrics are
involved.  I shall raise some appropriate bug reports
as soon as I get a complete list of the problems.


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