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Re: Pedal Notation Syntax and Commands

From: Javier Ruiz-Alma
Subject: Re: Pedal Notation Syntax and Commands
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 00:35:36 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 1:29 AM, Javier Ruiz-Alma <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi All, Mr Rookie here...

We've all been there :)

> I'd like to annotate using "bracket" pedal style as shown here:

First off: \sustainOn &Co. have to be attached to a note, just like
dynamics or articulation marks:

c' \sustainOn

So there's no use in writing

\sustainOn c'


c' |

> In the section showing the command:
> \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket

This command sets the "pedalSustainStyle" property in the Staff context.

By default, notes are entered in the Voice context. So, it is
important to add "Staff." before the property if you are in a Voice
context, for example in a \relative {} block.

However, when you are already doing stuff in a Staff context, then the
"Staff." part becomes useless, and can be removed. Besides, the \set
command will no longer be needed: see

This may happen in two ways:

- when creating your Staff: instead of \new Staff << blah >>, use

\new Staff \with { pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket } << blah >>

- or in the \layout block, BUT not anywhere: in a \context sub-block
that begins with \Staff.

\layout {
  \context {
    \Staff % THERE you go!!
    pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket

In your file, there is indeed a \layout block but it is quite useless:
- it mainly deals with creating a new "Dynamics" context that you
don't use anyway (and even if you did, the Dynamics context is now
supported out-of-the-box by LilyPond so you may as well remove this
whole \context block.
- instead of just defining the pedalSustainStyle property (look at
the pedalSustainStrings definition, just above), you used the \set
command, and the "Staff." context. This isn't the place to use this

Oh, and one last thing, "rookie": you may want to add your pedal
brackets when defining the *lower* staff, not the upper one. Otherwise
your brackets will be printed below the upper staff, that is between
the two staves (there are tricks to avoid that, but you probably want
to keep it simple).


Thank You!....I'm released from the rut.  And all this time I was just one space away, yet trapped in my own "bracket"ing framework.  My neurons are slowly molding to the LilyPond construct.  The more I learn about this project, the more I'm amazed at what's being accomplished with this engraving engine...a most impressive and humbling bundle of code.

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