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Re: preventing DynamicText/SpanBar collisions

From: Jay Anderson
Subject: Re: preventing DynamicText/SpanBar collisions
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 11:02:11 -0700

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Mark Polesky <address@hidden> wrote:
> Is there a good *generic* way to prevent DynamicText/SpanBar
> collisions?  I'd like the DynamicText and NoteColumn to move
> to the right as a unit, preferably with a single setting to
> put in a \layout block so as not to have to do this
> repetitively in the music expression.  Any suggestions?

Here's the issue:

Two workarounds (not general solutions):

1. Use whiteout and some padding:

whitePPPMarkup = \markup {\whiteout \pad-markup #0.5 \dynamic ppp}
whitePPP = #(make-dynamic-script whitePPPMarkup)

\new StaffGroup \relative f' <<
 \new Staff { R1 | f2\whitePPP r | }
 \new Staff { R1 | f1 | }

2. Left align the dynamic with some offset

\new StaffGroup \relative f' <<
 \new Staff
   R1 |
   \once \override Staff.DynamicText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
   \once \override Staff.DynamicText #'X-offset = #'-1.25
   f2\ppp r |
 \new Staff { R1 | f1 | }

I'd be interested in a general solution also if there's a better
answer out here.


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