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Re: How to extract only lyrics and chords, step by step

From: Jürgen Ibelgaufts
Subject: Re: How to extract only lyrics and chords, step by step
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2011 10:38:41 -0800 (PST)

Hi everybody,

here now is a more concise and comprehensive overview of what i had to do to
reach my goal, extracting only lyrics and chords from an existing sheet. In
detail, he goal can be described as follows:

I have two files, the first of them containing only the music, namedly the
notes, chords and lyrics. No layout.

The second file imports the first one and makes a printable sheet containing
the notes, lyrics, chords and chord diagrams. The goal is to extend the
layout file (the second file) to make a second sheet from the same music
file (the first file), which contains only the lyrics, chords and chord
diagrams, with a proper page layout.

Here we are: 

% How to extract only lyrics, chords and frets from an existing score,
%   by shrinking the notes to the most possible minimum, removing some
%   adjusting vertical positioning and hiding the remaining bits by making
%   them transparent
% 1. Add manual line breaks (optional) to keep the lyrics layout
% 2. Shrink the staff to the most possible minimum
%   This will NOT work:
%     \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-positions = #'(0 0 0 0 0 )
%   The staff shrinks, but lilypond replaces the missing lines by ledger
%   This will work:
%     \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -50)
%   All lines inclusive ledger lines shrink into one thin line with all the
%   notes on it
% 3. In the \layout section, Remove engravers from the voice, staff and
%   contexts. Don't remove the Note_heads_engraver, the
%   and Rest_engraver because this would break the connection of the lyrics
%   to the melody. 
%   For optical reasons, you may add Bar_engraver to the Lyrics context, 
%   this will also show the repeat signs, if any. Adjust their size and
%   if necessary.
%     \context {
%       \Voice
%       \remove "Stem_engraver"
%       \remove "Phrasing_slur_engraver"
%       \remove "Script_engraver"
%       \remove "Beam_engraver"
%       \remove "Auto_beam_engraver"
%     }
%     \context {
%       \Staff
%       \remove "Accidental_engraver"
%       \remove "Key_engraver"
%       \remove "Clef_engraver"
%       \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
%     }
%     \context {
%       \Score
%       \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
%       \remove "Metronome_mark_engraver"
%       \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
%     }
%     \context {
%       \Lyrics
%       \consists Bar_engraver
%       \override BarLine #'bar-size = #3
%       \override BarLine #'extra-offset = #'(0.5 . 1.0)
%     }
% 4. Place the lyrics above the staff. Sometimes it happens that the chord
%   diagrams of the next line overlap the lyrics of the current line
%   without colliding with them. Placing the lyrics above the staff makes
%   staff into a baseline to prevent overlapping.
%   Placing the lyrics above the staff also gives you more freedom in 
%   positioning rehearsal marks that are anchored to the staff.
%   Give your staff a name, like this: 
%     \new Staff = "melodyStaff" {
%   then use alignAboveContext to place the lyrics, like this:
%     \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = melodyStaff } 
%   then connect the lyrics to the melody:
%     \lyricsto "melodyIntro" { \lyricsIntro }
% 5. Adjust the vertical offsets for rehearsal marks, chords and frets
%   if necessary, using their #'extra-offset properties
% 6. Hide the remaining bits by making them transparent, like this:
%     \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'transparent = ##t 
%     \override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t 
%     \override Staff.Clef #'transparent = ##t 
%     \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##t 
%     \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'transparent = ##t 
%     \override Staff.InstrumentName #'transparent = ##t 
%     \override Voice.NoteHead #'transparent = ##t  
%     \override Voice.Stem #'transparent = ##t 
%     \override Voice.Beam #'transparent = ##t 
%     \override Voice.Accidental #'transparent = ##t 
%     \override Voice.TupletBracket #'transparent = ##t 
%     \override Voice.TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t 
%     \override Voice.Rest #'transparent = ##t 
%     \override Voice.Tie #'transparent = ##t 
%     \override Voice.Dots #'transparent = ##t 
%   Note that some of these settings may be unnecessary if you removed the
%   corresponding engravers. Some other settings may be missing, depending
%   on your notes.
% 7. Finally, you can play around with some layout variables. Normally,
%   are set inside the \paper block, but some of them may also be used
%   a \layout block. This was fine for me:
%       between-system-padding = 4\mm   
%       page-breaking-between-system-padding = 4\mm
%   In the \Staff context inside your \layout block, you may also play with
%       \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-0.5 . 0.5) 

Hope this is of some use for anybody.

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