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Re: Using lyrics in a markup

From: Jan-Peter Voigt
Subject: Re: Using lyrics in a markup
Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2011 12:12:28 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110223 Lightning/1.0b2 Thunderbird/3.1.8

On 10.02.2011 09:20, Marc Hohl wrote:
Am 08.02.2011 12:00, schrieb Jan-Peter Voigt:
Hello Marc, hello Jakob, hello list,

I just wanted to share a tiny extension of the lyrics->markup function:

              ((eq? (ly:music-property lyrics 'name) 'LyricEvent)
               (ly:music-property lyrics 'text))
              ((eq? (ly:music-property lyrics 'name) 'HyphenEvent)
               (list "--"))
              ((eq? (ly:music-property lyrics 'name) 'LineBreakEvent)
               (list linebreakindicator))
;; to include stanza, copy the following three lines into the conditional of the function ((and (equal? (ly:music-property lyrics 'name) 'PropertySet)
                    (equal? (ly:music-property lyrics 'symbol) 'stanza))
               (markup #:bold (ly:music-property lyrics 'value)))

So if there are \set stanza statements, they will go into the markup.
This is great! Will this go into the lsr snippet, too?



Hello again,

I came across our lyrics->markup snippet and made another extension: Stanza numbers often are left to the verse block. Now there is another bool-parameter to the verse-command, wich tells, if the stanza number shall be left of the verse or inline. I will post this to LSR, when I treat multiple stanza numbers correctly with the first one left.

It would be nice, if someone could test it.


\version "2.12.3"

#(define linebreakindicator "\\")

% \nl command that inserts the placeholder event into a lyrics
nl = #(make-music 'LineBreakEvent)

% format lyrics bold
lyrbold = #(define-music-function (parser location lyrics) (ly:music?)
    (lambda (m)
              (if (equal? (ly:music-property m 'name) 'LyricEvent)
(ly:music-set-property! m 'text (markup #:bold (ly:music-property m 'text))))

% format lyrics italic
lyritalic = #(define-music-function (parser location lyrics) (ly:music?)
    (lambda (m)
              (if (equal? (ly:music-property m 'name) 'LyricEvent)
(ly:music-set-property! m 'text (markup #:italic (ly:music-property m 'text))))

%% Function to extract strings from lyrics.
#(define (lyrics->list lyrics append-stanza)
        "Return only syllables and hyphens from  @code{lyrics}."
        (if (ly:music? lyrics)
              ((eq? (ly:music-property lyrics 'name) 'LyricEvent)
               (ly:music-property lyrics 'text))
              ((eq? (ly:music-property lyrics 'name) 'HyphenEvent)
               (list "--"))
              ((eq? (ly:music-property lyrics 'name) 'LineBreakEvent)
               (list linebreakindicator))
              ((and (eq? (ly:music-property lyrics 'name) 'PropertySet)
                    (eq? (ly:music-property lyrics 'symbol) 'stanza))
               (if append-stanza
(begin (append-stanza (markup #:bold (ly:music-property lyrics 'value))) '())
                 (markup #:bold (ly:music-property lyrics 'value))))
              (else (let ((elt (ly:music-property lyrics 'element))
                          (elts (ly:music-property lyrics 'elements)))
                         (if (ly:music? elt)
                             (lyrics->list elt append-stanza)
                             (if (null? elts)
                                 (map (lambda(x)
(lyrics->list x append-stanza))

#(define (flatten-nonmarkup-list x)
        "Unnest list, but don't flatten markup constructs!"
        (cond ((null? x) '())
              ((not (pair? x)) (list x))
              (else (append (if (markup? (car x))
                                (list (car x))
                                (flatten-nonmarkup-list (car x)))
                            (flatten-nonmarkup-list (cdr x))))))

#(define (reduce-hyphens text)
        (let eat ((wd (car text)) (wds (cdr text)))
                   ((null? wds) (list wd))
                   ((and (equal? "--" (car wds)) (not (null? (cdr wds))))
                    (eat (markup #:concat (wd (cadr wds)))
                         (cddr wds)))
                   (else (cons (markup wd) (eat (car wds) (cdr wds)))))))

#(define (split-on predicate? l)
        (let loop ((h '()) (r l))
                    ((null? r)
                     (if (null? h) h (list (reverse h))))
                    ((predicate? (car r))
                     (if (null? h)
                         (loop h (cdr r))
                         (cons (reverse h) (loop '() (cdr r)))))
                      (loop (cons (car r) h) (cdr r))))))

#(define-markup-command (verse layout props lyrics stanzblock) (ly:music? boolean?)
  "Verse command that marks up a column of \\nl-separated lines"
  (let ((display-nl (chain-assoc-get 'display-nl props #f))
        (make-line (chain-assoc-get 'make-line props make-justify-markup))
        (stlist (list))
((append-stanza (lambda (stm)(set! stlist (append stlist (list stm))))) (get-stanza (lambda ()(if (> (length stlist) 0) (car stlist) #f)))
          (split-cond? (lambda (a) (and
                      (not display-nl )
                      (equal? a linebreakindicator))))
          (list-of-lines (map
              (lambda (l) (make-line (reduce-hyphens l)))
(split-on split-cond? (flatten-nonmarkup-list (lyrics->list lyrics (if stanzblock append-stanza #f))))))
         (if (get-stanza)
(interpret-markup layout props (markup #:line ((get-stanza) (make-column-markup list-of-lines)))) (interpret-markup layout props (make-column-markup list-of-lines))

textA = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1."
  Toch -- ter __ Zi -- on, freu -- e dich, \nl
  jauch -- ze laut, Je -- ru -- sa -- lem. \nl
  Sieh, __ dein \lyrbold { Kö -- nig } kommt zu dir, \nl
  ja, __ er kommt, der Frie -- de -- fürst. \nl
  Toch -- ter Zi -- on, freu -- e dich, \nl
  jauch -- ze laut, \lyritalic { Je -- ru -- sa -- lem. }

\bookpart {
  \score {
    \relative c'' {
      \time 2/2
      \key ees \major
      \dynamicUp \autoBeamOff

      bes2 g4.( aes8) | bes2 ees, | f8([ g aes bes] aes4) g | f1 |
g8([ aes bes c] bes4) bes | ees2 bes | aes4( g8[ aes] f4.) ees8 | ees2. r4 |
      g8([ f g aes] g4) g | f2 ees | aes4( g f) ees | d1 |
ees8([ d ees f] ees4) ees | c'2 a! | bes4( c8[ bes] a!4.) bes8 | bes2.\< r4\! |
      bes2 g4.( aes8) | bes2 ees, | f8([ g aes bes] aes4) g | f1 |
g8([ aes bes c] bes4) bes | ees2 bes | aes4( g8[ aes] f4.) ees8 | ees1 \bar "|."
    \addlyrics { \textA }
  \markup { \line { \bold { With line breaks (no overrides) } } }
  \markup { \override #'(line-width . 40) \verse #textA ##t }
  \markup { \line { \bold { With visible line break character } } }
\markup { \override #'(line-width . 40) \override #'(display-nl . #t) \verse #textA ##t } \markup { \line { \bold { With visible line break character, left aligned and stanza inline } } } \markup { \override #'(line-width . 40) \override #'(display-nl . #t) \override #`(make-line . ,make-wordwrap-markup) \verse #textA ##f }

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