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Re: Instantiating temporary staves with text

From: Phil Holmes
Subject: Re: Instantiating temporary staves with text
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 09:44:32 +0100

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You can over-ride the empty staff visibility on a per-staff basis as follows:
\new Staff
  \relative c''
  { \repeat unfold 40 { c4 c c c } }

\new Staff
  \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-empty = ##t
  \relative c''
    \repeat unfold 10 { a4 a a a }
    R1 * 20
    \repeat unfold 10 { a4 a a a }
\new Staff
  \relative c''
    \repeat unfold 10 { a4 a a a }
    R1 * 20
    \repeat unfold 10 { a4 a a a }

Phil Holmes
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: Instantiating temporary staves with text

Hi Phil,

Thanks for that. It worked a treat for the section I described, however now I have another problem: there is one point in the score where the bass line is empty during a cadenza-like recitation, and now that line disappears too at that point because of the RemoveEmptyStaffContext command. I'm not that experienced with LilyPond: is there any way to get this command to apply only to staves two and three (i.e. the ones I temporarily need at the end), and never to the bottom staff?

Much obliged for any help,


On 4 April 2011 15:13, Phil Holmes <address@hidden> wrote:
In my opinion, the simplest way to do this is to use the following:
\layout {
  \context {
    \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
which gets rid of staves with no information in them, and then fill the staves with Whole Measure Rests (WMRs) except where you have the music.  A couple of line beaks to get the right line length, and you're done.
You can put multiple WMRs in one piece of notation by writing R1*x/y*z, where x/y is the time signature, and z the number of WMRs you want.

Phil Holmes
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 1:49 PM
Subject: Instantiating temporary staves with text

Hello everybody,

I'm currently trying to produce a piece that is mostly on two staves, but at the end splits briefly into four staves and then back into two. I'm doing it by adding the extra staves to the top staff for those few bars and forcing line breaks so that it looks neat on the page. Everything goes fine until I try to add lyrics to the third line from the top (the line with the tenor clef) - using the \addlyrics command makes everything go haywire - the lyrics appear below the bass staff, staves cut off mid-page and the last section of the melody turns into chords instead of single notes. Commenting out the line of lyrics code fixes everything again, so as far as I can see it's purely the addition of the lyrics that causes the problem.

I've reproduced the last few systems in a minimum (!) example to demonstrate, but because there's still a lot of formatting I've included the files as attachments. I hope that's OK. The only difference between the -right and -wrong .txt files is the commenting out of the \addlyrics command for the tenor staff.

I guess my question is: am I doing something wrong? Or is there a better way to do instantiate temporary staves than this?

Thanks for any help,


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