\version "2.13.45" \header { title = "Let Him Roll" subtitle = "by Guy Clark" subsubtitle = "tablature by Patrick Horgan" copyright = "Copyright Guy Clark" } \layout { indent = 0.0 } hammersNpulls = \relative c { \time 4/4 \key c \major \voiceThree \stemUp s1 s1 s8^"H" s8 s4 s8^"H" s8 s4 s8^"H" s8 s4 s8^"H" s8 s4 s1 s1^"H" s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1^"H" s1 s1 } thechords = \relative c { \time 4/4 \key c \major \voiceThree \stemUp s1^"C" s2 s2^"Cadd9" s1^"Fmaj13" s1 s1^"Em7/G" s1^"G7" s2^"Cadd9" s2^"C" s1 s1^"C" s2 s2^"Cadd9" s1^"Fmaj13" s1 s1^"Em7/G" s1 s2^"Cadd9" s2^"C" s1 } upper = \relative c { \time 4/4 \key c \major \voiceOne \stemUp < c' g' >2. 4 | 4. g8 e' d c g( | a) d ~ d g,( a) d ~ d g,( | a) d ~ d g,( a) d ~ d4 | d4. r8 d e ~ e4 | \appoggiatura e8 4. 8 ~ 8 g,4. | d'2 r8 c ~ c g | r8 b ~ b4 e f | % repeat with variations < c g' >2. 4 | 4. g8 e' d ~ d4 | d2 r4 | a8 d ~ d g,( a) d ~ d4 | d4. r8 d e ~ e4 | \appoggiatura e8 4. 8 ~ 8 g,4. | d'2 r8 c ~ c g | r8 b ~ b4 e f | \bar ":|" } lower = \relative c { \time 4/4 \key c \major \voiceTwo \stemDown c4 e g, r | c e c e | f f f f | f f f f | \break g, d' g, d' | g, d' g, d' | c e c e | g, d' g, b | \break % repeat with variations c4 e g, r | c e c e | f a c,2 | f4 f f f | \break g, d' g, d' | g, d' g, d' | c e c e | g, d' g, b | } \score { << \new StaffGroup = "tab with traditional" << \new Staff = "guitar traditional" << \clef "treble_8" \context Voice = "theChords" \thechords % Put chord names in \context Voice = "upper" \upper \context Voice = "lower" \lower >> % regular staff \new TabStaff = "guitar tab" << \context TabVoice = "hammersNpulls" { \tabFullNotation \hammersNpulls } \context TabVoice = "upper" { \tabFullNotation \upper } \context TabVoice = "lower" { \tabFullNotation \lower } >> % guitar tab >> % staff group >> % score }