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Strange \repeat tremolo

From: Mario Moles
Subject: Strange \repeat tremolo
Date: Mon, 30 May 2011 10:56:16 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.13.6 (Linux/; KDE/4.5.5; x86_64; ; )

Hi to all!

In this code "\repeat tremolo" and "\change staff"

don't work fine: why?


\version "2.13.62"

csr = \change Staff = "right"

csl = \change Staff = "left"

\paper {

#(set-paper-size "a4")


global = {

\key c \major

\time 4/4


right = \relative c'' {


% Qui segue la musica.

\csl \repeat tremolo 4 { f,,16 \csr f'}\csl \repeat tremolo 4 { f,16 \csr f'}|

\repeat tremolo 4 { f16 f'} \repeat tremolo 4 { f,16 f'}|


left = \relative c' {


% Qui segue la musica.

\stemDown d,,1|



\book {

\score {

\new PianoStaff \with {

instrumentName = "Pf."

} <<

\new Staff = "right" \with {

midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"

} \right

\new Staff = "left" \with {

midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"

} { \clef bass \left }


\layout { }

\midi {

\context {


tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 100 4)







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