Solo = \relative c' { c4 c c c | % Cue clefs are printed before the bar line by default \cueClef "bass" c4 c c c | \cueClefUnset c4 c c c | % Change the break-align-orders of the score so that cue-clef comes after bar-line \override Score.BarLine #'space-alist #'cue-clef = #'(minimum-space . 1.0) \override Score.BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders = ##(( left-edge cue-end-clef ambitus breathing-sign clef staff-bar key-cancellation key-signature time-signature cue-clef custos) ;; unbroken ( left-edge cue-end-clef ambitus breathing-sign clef staff-bar key-cancellation key-signature time-signature cue-clef custos) ;; begin of line ( left-edge ambitus breathing-sign clef key-cancellation key-signature staff-bar time-signature cue-clef custos)) \cueClef "bass" c4 c c c | \cueClefUnset c4 c c c | % Revert back to default \revert Score.BarLine #'space-alist #'cue-clef \revert Score.BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders \cueClef "bass" c4 c c c | \cueClefUnset c4 c c c } \score { << \new Staff \Solo >> }