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Re: repeat

From: ole
Subject: Re: repeat
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 22:44:49 +0100

here is the code (slightly stripped):

\version "2.14.2"
\language "nederlands"

staffTrombone = \new Staff {
    \time 4/4
   \key f \major
    \clef bass
    \relative c {   
            \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-alphabet
            \partial 2. f8 f as as f c 
            es4 f2. |
            r4 f8 f as4 bes8 bes |
            \times 2/3 {ces8 bes as} f2. |\break
            r4 f8 f c'4 es8 c |
            \times 2/3 {ces8 bes as} f2. |
            r4 f8 f as as f c |
            \repeat volta 2  {es4 f2.|} 
           \alternative {
            {r4 f8 f as as f c | } 
            { r2 f4 f |  }} \mark #2
            \bar "||" c'2 \times 2/3 {ces8 bes f }
            bes8 f |

    \bar "|."

staffTromboneII = \new Staff {
    \key f \major
    \clef bass
    \relative c {     
                \partial 2. s2. | 
                r2 <d bes f>4. <c a f>8 |
                R1 |r2 <d bes f>4. <c a f>8 |
                R1 |
                r2 <d bes f>4. <c a f>8 |
                r2 <d bes f>4. <c a f>8 | 
                R1 |

    \bar "|."


\score {

  \layout {

\paper {

Am 25.01.2012 um 22:36 schrieb Xavier Scheuer:

> On 25 January 2012 22:26, Ole Schmidt <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've try to typeset a simple jazztune for my son.
>> Can someone please tell me how to move the start-repeat to bar one
>> (after the partial)?
>> I could not find any useful information on that in the manual (I have
>> a pdf-version which is maybe a bit out of date).
> It would be easier to help you if you actually provide your Lily code.
> You need to use the  \repeat volta 2  command at this place.
> It is explained in the Notation Reference manual, NR 1.4.1 Long repeats.
> Please use at least LilyPond version 2.14, which is the last stable
> version.  It will be be easier for us to help you.
> Cheers,
> Xavier
> -- 
> Xavier Scheuer <address@hidden>

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