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Re: Formatting of lyrics

From: Francisco Vila
Subject: Re: Formatting of lyrics
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2012 12:30:09 +0100

2012/3/5 -Eluze <address@hidden>:
> O.K. - see attachment - I am interested in the "R" at the end of even
>> verses (symbol "R" I've created). defines \ij \iij etc for prefixing and a two \responsum
and \versus functions which do not seem to work. However, the unicode
symbols used there still serve, see

\include ""
{ c' }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = ℟ Do }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = ℣ Do }

Forwarding to bug-lilypond because this should workk but it doesn't:

% %%% BEGIN

\include ""
letraUno = \lyricmode { \versus { Do Do } }
letraDos = \lyricmode { \responsum { Do Do } }
{ c' d' }
\addlyrics \letraUno
\addlyrics \letraDos

% %%%END

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

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