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functions in include file

From: Anders Eriksson
Subject: functions in include file
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 14:38:58 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:13.0) Gecko/20120614 Thunderbird/13.0.1


I have just started using Lilypond and I have found some functions on the net
which I would like to put in an include file. But I can't figure out how!?

One of these function is Mr. John Mandereaus "Diatonic/modal transposition

I have put the code in a file (diatonic-transpose.lyi) and is calling it like

%% Start of file
\version "2.14.2"

\include "diatonic-transpose.lyi"

notes = \relative c' {
  c d e f g a b c

\score {
  \new Staff { \clef "G"
               \diatonicTranspose c \major #2 \notes
  \layout {}
  \midi {}
%% EOF

When I compile it I get:
Starting lilypond-windows.exe 2.14.2 []...
Processing `C:/Users/ame/Documents/Lilipond/Tests/'
C:/Users/ame/Documents/Lilipond/Tests/ error:
unknown escaped string: `\diatonicTranspose'

               \diatonicTranspose c \major #2 \notes

C:/Users/ame/Documents/Lilipond/Tests/ error: syntax
error, unexpected STRING

               \diatonicTranspose c \major #2 \notes

C:/Users/ame/Documents/Lilipond/Tests/ error: errors
found, ignoring music expression


error: failed files: "C:/Users/ame/Documents/Lilipond/Tests/test-dia-"
Exited with return code 1.

So WHY can't it find \diatonicTranspose ???

// Anders

Here is diatonic-transpose.lyi

%% Start of file diatonic-transpose.lyi

#(define (true-quotient n d)
  "Return the one true quotient in integer division of n by d, i.e.
return the integer q so that there is a unique integer r that
satisfies  n = qd + r  and  0 <= r < |d|"
  (if (>= n 0)
   (quotient n d)
   (- (quotient n d) 1)))

#(define (ly-pitch->modal-pitch ly-pitch scale tonic-c-diff)
"Convert ly-pitch to a list (octave degree depresentation) which represents
the modal pitch in scale, with tonic-c-diff as the pitch diff from tonic to
middle C.  scale should be a notename->alteration alist of length 7 which
represents the alteration of each note with C as first pitch of the scale."
  (let* ((normalized-pitch (ly:pitch-transpose ly-pitch tonic-c-diff))
         (notename (ly:pitch-notename normalized-pitch)))
    (ly:pitch-octave normalized-pitch) ;; octave
    notename ;; degree
    ;; alteration
(- (ly:pitch-alteration normalized-pitch) (ly:assoc-get notename scale)))))

#(define (degree-transpose modal-pitch degree-delta scale-length)
"Transpose modal-pitch (octave degree alteration) by degree-delta assuming
  (let* ((octave (car modal-pitch))
         (degree (cadr modal-pitch))
         (alteration (caddr modal-pitch))
         (relative-new-degree (+ degree degree-delta)))
    (+ octave (true-quotient relative-new-degree scale-length))
    (modulo relative-new-degree scale-length)

#(define (modal-pitch->ly-pitch modal-pitch scale c-tonic-diff)
  "Convert modal-pitch -- a list (octave degree alteration) -- to a
standard pitch using scale and pitch diff from middle C to tonic.
scale should be a notename->alteration alist of length 7 which represents
the alteration of each note with C as first pitch of the scale."
  (let* ((octave (car modal-pitch))
         (degree (min 6 (cadr modal-pitch)))
         (alteration (caddr modal-pitch))
         (abs-alteration (+ alteration (ly:assoc-get degree scale))))
    (ly:make-pitch octave degree abs-alteration)

#(define (lookup-music-property event type)
  "Return the first music property of the given type found in event,
or #f is no such property is found.  event should be music or a list
of music."
  (if (null? event)
   (if (list? event)
     (lookup-music-property (car event) type)
     (lookup-music-property (cdr event) type))
    (let ((p (ly:music-property event 'pitch)))
     (if (not (null? p))
      (let* ((e (ly:music-property event 'element))
             (es (ly:music-property event 'elements))
             (p2 (if (null? e)
                  (lookup-music-property e type))))
       (if (not (null? p2))
        (lookup-music-property es type))))))))

#(define (mode-transpose
          pitch-note1 scale1 degree-delta pitch-note2 scale2 music)
  (let ((tonic-diff1 (ly:pitch-diff
                      (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0)
                      (lookup-music-property pitch-note1 'pitch)))
        (tonic-diff2 (ly:pitch-diff
                      (lookup-music-property pitch-note2 'pitch)
                      (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0))))
    (lambda (event)
     (let ((p (ly:music-property event 'pitch)))
      (if (ly:pitch? p)
          (ly-pitch->modal-pitch p scale1 tonic-diff1)
          (length scale1))

modeTranspose =
(parser location pitch-note1 scale1 degree-delta pitch-note2 scale2 music)
  (ly:music? list? number? ly:music? list? ly:music?)
  "Transpose music from scale1 on tonic pitch-note1
by degree-delta to scale2 on tonic pitch-note2."
   pitch-note1 scale1 degree-delta pitch-note2 scale2 music))

diatonicTranspose =
  (parser location pitch-note scale degree-delta music)
  (ly:music? list? number? ly:music?)
  "Transpose music by degree-delta in scale on tonic pitch-note."
   pitch-note scale degree-delta pitch-note scale music))

%% EOF

Computer says No!

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