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Re: lyrics in cadenza

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: lyrics in cadenza
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 22:04:18 +0200

2012/7/9 Helge Kruse <address@hidden>:
> Hello Phil,
> thanks for reply. I tried to fix this with \skip as well as with \melisma.
> Unfortunately both failed.
> When I use \skip I get near to the expected result. Inside the cadenza I
> have to use manual beaming. As long as I leave the last four quavers without
> beaming brackets Lilypond sets the lyrics fine. When I try to put the
> brackets to the quavers, the lyrics disappear although I adapt the \skip
> repeat count accordingly.
> When I use \melisma and \melismaEnd I get the same bad result as I got with
> the slur. Removing the cadenza lets the lyrics appear. But there is really a
> cadenza. (see autograph)
> Additionally the first variant with \skip compiles completely different with
> Lilypond 2.14.2. It has the same lyrics problem, but the strange line break
> is new with 2.15.40.
> Regards
> Helge
> \version "2.15.40"
> soprano = \relative c''  { % to be connected with \skip in the lyrics
>   \key d \major  \clef soprano  \time 2/4
> r8 e d c |
> b \cadenzaOn g'~\fermata g16[ fis a g] fis[ e d c] b[ c d c] b[ a g fis] e8
> c' b \cadenzaOff  a  g16. a32 a4\trill
> |  d,4 r
> }
> sopranoMel = \relative c''  {
>   \key d \major  \clef soprano  \time 2/4
> r8 e d c |
> b \cadenzaOn \melisma g'~\fermata g16[ fis a g] fis[ e d c] b[ c d c] b[ a g
> fis] e8[ c' b \cadenzaOff a] g16.[ a32] \melismaEnd a4\trill
> |  d,4 r
> }
> sopranoWords = \lyricmode { zu neu -- en Freu  -- { \repeat unfold 10 \skip
> 1 } den wach. }
> sopranoMelWords = \lyricmode { zu neu -- en Freu  -- den wach. }
> \score { <<
>     \new Staff { \new Voice = "one" \soprano } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" {
> \sopranoWords  }
>>> }
> \score { <<
>   \new Staff { \new Voice = "two" \sopranoMel } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "two"
> { \sopranoMelWords  }
>>> }
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Phil Holmes
> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 10:49 PM
> To: Helge Kruse ; address@hidden
> Subject: Re: lyrics in cadenza
>> 1) Lilypond reports that it finds an unlimited hyphen. It removes the
>> hyphen as well as the remaining text.
>> 2) I need the slur to indicate that the notes belong to one syllable.
>> That's okay, so Lilypond knows how long the coloratura should be. But
>> I would like to hide the slur, since the singer doesn't need it. The
>> autograph doesn't have a slur anyway. Can you help hiding it?
> Please check the documentation for \skip or \melisma which should do what
> you want.
> _______________________________________________
> lilypond-user mailing list
> address@hidden
Hi Helge,

how about:

\version "2.15.39"

sopranoMel = \relative c''  {
        \key d \major
        \clef soprano
        \time 2/4
        r8 e d c |
        % ensure that there's no Break
          b \melisma g'~\fermata
          g16[ fis a g]
          fis[ e d c]
          b[ c d c]
          b[ a g fis]
          e8[ c' b  a]
          g16.[ a32] \melismaEnd
          \bar "|"
        d,4 r

sopranoMelWords = \lyricmode { zu neu -- en Freu  -- den wach. }

\score {
        \new Staff
          \new Voice = "two" \sopranoMel
          \new Lyrics \lyricsto "two" \sopranoMelWords


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