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From: pabuhr
Subject: lilypondfile
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2012 08:56:37 -0700

I cannot get the direct output from lilypond to match the output from
lilypondfile with lilypond book. Below I have the source file and a PDF file
where page 1 is the direct output from lilypond and page 2 is generated by
lilypond book using:


The problem is the vertical spacing is compressed in lilypond book.  I'd like
the output in lilypond book to look the same as the direct output.


\version "2.16.0"
\language english
\include ""
\include ""
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
#(set-global-staff-size 24)

\paper {
        #(set-paper-size "letter")
        top-margin = 0.75\in
        markup-system-spacing #'padding = #3 % spacing between title and staff
        bottom-margin = 1.25\in
        ragged-last-bottom = ##f
        tagline = ##f
} % paper

\layout {
        indent = 0.0
        \override Score.OctavateEight #'font-name = #"times"
        \override Score.OctavateEight #'font-size = #-1
        \override Score.LyricText #'font-size = #0
        \override Score.Fingering #'font-size = #-2
        \override Score.FretBoard #'(fret-diagram-details fret-count) = #3
} % layout

\header {
        title = "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
        poet = "Lyrics: Sarah Joseph Hale (1788-1879)"
        composer = "Music: Lowell Mason (1792-1872)"
} % header

harmonies = \chordmode {
        \set chordChanges = ##t
        c1 | c1 | g
        c  | c  | c1 |
        c4 g g g | g c2. | 
} % harmonies

melody = \relative c {
        e'4 <d-3> <c-1> <d-3> | e4 e e2 | <d-3>4 d d2 | \break
        e4 <g-3> <g-3>2 | e4 <d-3> <c-1> <d-3> | e4 e e2 | \break
        e4 <d-3> d e | <d-3> <c-1>2. |
} % melody

verseA = \lyricmode {
        Mar -- y had a lit -- tle lamb,
        Lit -- tle lamb, lit -- tle lamb,
        Ma -- ry had a lit -- tle lamb,
        Its fleece was white as snow
} % verseA

verseB = \lyricmode {
        Ever -- y -- where that Mar -- y went,
        Mar -- y went, Mar -- y went,
        Ever -- y -- where that Mar -- y went
        The lamb was sure to go
} % verseB

verseC = \lyricmode {
        It followed her to school one day
        School one day, school one day
        It followed her to school one day
        Which was a -- gainst the rules.
} % verseC

verseD = \lyricmode {
        It made the children laugh and play,
        Laugh and play, laugh and play,
        It made the children laugh and play
        To see a lamb at school
} % verseD

\score {
                \context ChordNames = one {
                \context FretBoards = one {
                \context Voice = one {
                        \override Voice.NoteHead #'font-size = #-1
                        \key c \major \time 4/4
                        \clef "treble_8"
                \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics \verseA
                \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics \verseB
                \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics \verseC
                \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics \verseD
} % score

% Local Variables: %
% tab-width: 4 %
% compile-command: "lilypond --ps" %
% End: %


Attachment: finished.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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