#(define (dotted-line-break grob) (let ((dir (ly:item-break-dir grob))) (if (= dir CENTER) ":" #f))) #(define (my-calc-glyph-name grob) (let ((glyph (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph))) (if (string=? glyph ":") (dotted-line-break grob) (bar-line::calc-glyph-name grob)))) \layout { \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } } musick = \relative c' { \override Staff.BarLine #'glyph-name = #my-calc-glyph-name \stopStaff s4 \startStaff \set Timing.defaultBarType = "" \bar ":" \repeat unfold 3 { \stemDown \appoggiatura c8 \stemNeutral e4 } \bar ":" \stopStaff s4 \startStaff \bar ":" \stemDown \appoggiatura c8 \stemNeutral e8 f e4 \bar ":" \stopStaff s4 \startStaff \bar ":" r8 e f[ e] \bar ":" \stopStaff %s4 %\startStaff %\bar ":" %r1 e f g2 a b f1 %\bar ":" %\stopStaff s4 \startStaff \bar ":" r8 e f[ g] \bar ":" \stopStaff s4 \startStaff \bar ":" e8 f g r \bar ":" \stopStaff s4 \startStaff \bar ":" e8 f g r \bar ":" \stopStaff s4 \startStaff \bar ":" e8 f g r \bar ":" \stopStaff s4 \startStaff \bar ":" e8 f g r \bar ":" \stopStaff s4 \startStaff \bar ":" e8 f g r % at the end of the piece, revert the settings to % enable the dotted bar line at the end of the line. \revert Staff.BarLine #'glyph-name \bar ":" \stopStaff } \score { \musick } \header { title = "2012-08-18 12:56:21 PM" tagline = "" % removed }