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interaction of duration-log=0, flags, and slurs (bug?)

From: Kevin Patrick Barry
Subject: interaction of duration-log=0, flags, and slurs (bug?)
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 22:55:30 +0100

Dear List,

Below is a tiny example that Lilypond refuses to compile (the error
message is 'std::bad_alloc').  I usually override the duration-log of
a note as a way of changing the notehead (it's for a Schenker graph),
but it seems that when I set the duration-log of a note with a flag
(eighth note or shorter) to that of a whole note (#0) and attach a
slur it causes a problem.  Changing the note to something longer than
an eighth note, or changing the override duration-log to a value
higher than #0, or removing the slur will allow the file to compile.

I guess there is some kind of odd interaction between flags and
slurred whole notes.  I know these are not things you typically find
together, but I am trying to put a whole note into the note column of
an eighth note, and it has a slur.  I will try to find a workaround; a
better way of changing noteheads would be handy!

If this is intended behaviour or there is an obvious or documented
solution I apologise for wasting people's time; otherwise I appreciate
any help anyone here could offer.

Kevin Barry

\version "2.16"
\relative c' {
  \override NoteHead #'duration-log = #0
  c8( d)

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