#1 ENTRY *************************************************************************** A _glissando_ is created by attaching \glissando to a note EXAMPLE #1 #2 ENTRY *************************************************************************** The duration of a glissando can be splitted to place an expression mark at a certain point, which is indicated by a stem without notehead. This can be easily achieved in Lilypond inserting one note between the two endpoints of a glissando. The command: \override NoteColumn #'glissando-skip = ##t prevents the glissando to stop at the inserted note, whose notehead can be then hidden with \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t EXAMPLE #2 If the stem doesn't align well with the glissando, it may need repositioning. #3 ENTRY *************************************************************************** The same command can be used when a glissando starts and/or ends on the subdivision of a beat to specify the duration of the glissando in relation to the beats EXAMPLE #3 #4 ENTRY *************************************************************************** A glissando can occur across different bars EXAMPLE #4 #5 ENTRY *************************************************************************** The following command allows to break a glissando when it occurres over a line break \override Glissando #'breakable = ##t EXAMPLE #5 #6 ENTRY *************************************************************************** A glissando line can connect also notes across staves. EXAMPLE #6 #7 ENTRY *************************************************************************** A glissando can occur between chords or between a chord and one note. EXAMPLE #7