%{ Chord Glissando %} \version "2.16.0" \include "english.ly" % **************************************************************** % Start cut-&-pastable-section % **************************************************************** \paper { indent = 0\mm line-width = 160\mm % offset the left padding, also add 1mm as lilypond creates cropped % images with a little space on the right line-width = #(- line-width (* mm 3.000000) (* mm 1)) } \layout { } \relative c' { % **************************************************************** % ly snippet: % **************************************************************** c1 \glissando g' c,1 \glissando s1 g' 1 \glissando 1 \glissando s1 \set glissandoMap = #'((0 . 1) (1 . 0)) 1 \glissando s1 \set glissandoMap = #'((0 . 0) (0 . 1) (0 . 2)) c1 \glissando s1 \set glissandoMap = #'((2 . 0) (1 . 0) (0 . 0)) 1 \glissando s1 c % **************************************************************** % end ly snippet % **************************************************************** }