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Reheaseals with irregular bars

From: Jacques Menu
Subject: Reheaseals with irregular bars
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 21:35:30 +0100

Hello folks,

I've been using Lilypond for some time, but Beethoven's Trio X für Klavier, Flöte und Fagott causes me much trouble : "\partial" is not usable inside a part, and Thema andante con variazioni contains tricky rehearsals, like:

After fighting a lot with the problem, I found:

partialInline = #(define-music-function 
(parser location nom den mus) 
(integer? integer? ly:music?) 
\set Score.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment (- $nom) $den) 

on the Internet.

This helped me obtain the above result, but doesn't solve all issues. 

In the remainder of the piece, I never figured out how to obtain the transition from variation IV to variation V:

I always run into messages such as the following (hence my bar numbers are wrong) : warning: Barcheck failed got 79 expect 81 

because I don't know how to specify the correct "size" for the partial bars involved (by the way, bar number 64 is already wrong):

Here is the code I use:

\tempoMark #3.0 #"Var. IV"

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
\repeat volta 2
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

\partialInline #1 #8
d'8\p |

\myDisplayBarNum\barNumberCheck #65

bes'8 (a) bes^. d4. |
d8 (c) d^. ees4. ~  |
ees8 (d) c ~ c bes4 |
bes4. a8 r8 d,8\f |
bes'8 (a) bes^. c4. |
d8 (c) d^. ees4. ~ |

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
\myBreak\myDisplayBarNum\barNumberCheck #71

ees8 (d) c ~ c (bes) a^. |
g8 r8 r8 r4

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
} %\repeat
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
\repeat volta 2
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

d'8^.\p |
f8 (ees) d^.  d (c) b?^. |
c16^.\f c,^. d^. ees^. f^. (g^. a^. b? c d ees8 ) |
ees8\p (d) c^.  c (bes?) a^. |

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
\myBreak\myDisplayBarNum\barNumberCheck #76

bes8 bes c d4 d,8\f |
bes'8 (a) bes^. c4. |
d8 (c) d^. ees4.\fermata\p |
d8^. d (c) bes^. bes (a) |
g4. r4

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
} %\repeat
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

\key g \major
\time 2/4

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

\tempoMark #3.0 #"Var. V"

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
\repeat volta 2
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

\partialInline #1 #8
r8 |

\myDisplayBarNum\barNumberCheck #81

b8^.\f r8 d8^. r8 |
g8^. r8 g8^. r8 |

A clean solution could be for Lilypond to handle this as is done for slurs, i.e. a set of "markers" such as ( and ) in the latter. I couldn't find anything in this redirection in the docs, though. Is there a hope that Lilypond might go this way?

Any help is welcome!


PS>  I use Lilypond 2.15.11, since 2.16 and 2.17 fail to launch on Mac OS X 10.8.


Jacques Menu
Ch. de la Pierre 12
CH 1023 Crissier


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