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Re: Aligning multiple verses to alternative notes in the melody

From: Phil Holmes
Subject: Re: Aligning multiple verses to alternative notes in the melody
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 15:52:13 -0000

So the singers have different lyrics but the same note?  If I was trying to sing that, I would find it very confusing. 

Phil Holmes
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: Aligning multiple verses to alternative notes in the melody


Thanks -- I guess I could, but that's a bit kludgey* as well. Since I don't want stems in both directions for those notes which don't change, I'd have to use

    \new Voice = "Lower"  {
      s4  s4  \voiceTwo  a'8 a'8 \voiceOne a'4
      a'4 \voiceTwo a'8 a'8 \voiceOne a'4 a'4

which works, but emits warnings for every note with identical stems in each voice: "warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns".

It does look OK, though ... and I can ignore the warnings. I hope.

Thanks again,

*kludgey, thy name is lilypond

On 18 December 2012 10:18, Phil Holmes <address@hidden> wrote:
Why not just use 2 voices and skips?
  \new Staff
    \new Voice = "Upper" {
      a'4 a'4 \voiceOne  a'4 a'4
      a'4 a'4 a'4 a'4
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Upper" {  a b c d e f g h  }
    \new Voice = "Lower"  {
      s4  s4  \voiceTwo  a'8 a'8 a'4
      a'4 a'8 a'8 a'4 a'4
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Lower" { a b c d e f g h }
  >> % Staff end

Phil Holmes
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 2:44 PM
Subject: Aligning multiple verses to alternative notes in the melody


I have a song with irregular verses; I want to show the alternative notes in the melody and align some verses to one alternative and some to the other.

I can come close by using '_' and the "divisi lyrics" instructions, but the alignment is not perfect.

What I want is something like this:

4 4 4/8 8 4 | 4 4/8 8 4 4
a b c     d   e f     g h
    a   b c   d e   f g h

where '4's are quarter notes, '8's are eighth notes, and '4/8's are both.

Here's a snippet:

firstVerse = \lyricmode {  a b c d e f g h }

skippy = #(define-music-function (parser location syllables) (number?)
   #{ \repeat unfold $syllables { \skip 1 } #})

LL = { \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT }

secondVerse = \lyricmode { \skippy 2 \LL a_b c d \LL e_f g h }

melodyMusic = \relative c'' {  c4 c4 << { \voiceOne c4 } \new Voice = "split" { \voiceTwo c8 [ c8 ] } >> c4 | c4 << { \voiceOne c4 } \new Voice = "split" { \voiceTwo c8 [ c8 ] } >> c4 c4 \bar "|." }

\new Staff = "voice" <<
  \new Voice = "melody" << \voiceOne \global \melodyMusic>>
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" \firstVerse
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" \secondVerse


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