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Re: collision beam with staff-crossing beam

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: collision beam with staff-crossing beam
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 11:06:45 +0100 (CET)

>  \override Beam.Y-extent = #'(0 . 10)
>  \override Beam.vertical-skylines =
>              #ly:grob::simple-vertical-skylines-from-extents

Nice!  And completely undocumented, of course...

What I want is something similar: Instead of having a rectangular
skyline, I want some `padding' (bad word here, I know): If a beam
looks like this


I want to have the top skyline like this:

    / /|


  \override Beam.skyline-offsets = #'(0 . 10)
  \override Beam.vertical-skylines =

Especially for beams with a large slope this might be a better
approach and usable for many other grobs also, I believe.


PS: Even after looking at lilypond output compiled with


    I don't understand what

      \override Beam.skyline-horizontal-padding = #50

    actually does.  Can you please explain?

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