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Re: missing bars

From: Kieren MacMillan
Subject: Re: missing bars
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 09:56:40 -0500

Hi Katie,

Use bar checks:

Hope this helps!

On 2013-Mar-8, at 09:51, Katie Ganem <address@hidden> wrote:

> For some reason when I compile the file I'm working on, bars of music are 
> being omitted from the page.  I tried changing the margins, but it didn't 
> seem to work.  I then tried inputting more music but it is not even showing 
> up.
> Someone told me it was because I have wrong durations so I tried deleting 
> some of the code so I could start over, but now it won't even acknowledge 
> that I've made changes when I compile. even though it says it successfully 
> compiled and doesn't list any errors.  It simply shows me the same thing over 
> and over again.  I tried reopening lilypond to no avail.
> Here is the code I am using.  Attached is a screen shot of what is showing up 
> when I compile it.
> \paper {
>       left-margin = .75\in
>       right-margin = .75\in
>   }
> }
> \header{
>   title = "Happily Ever After"
> }
> melody = 
> \relative c' {
>   \clef treble
>   \key g \major
>   \time 12/8
> b8 c8 d8 d8 e8 d8 e4 g8 ~g8 f8 d8
> b8 c8 d8 d8 e8 d8 bes4 a8~a8 gis8 a8
> b8 c8 d8 d8 e8 d8 g8 d8 f8 e8 c8 e8 
> d1.
> g8 g8 g8 g8 fis8 g8 bes4 a8 ~ a4 g8
> d8 d8 d8 d8 cis8 d8 g4 f8 ~ f8 g8 f8
> e4 e8 r4. r8 r8 f8 ~ f4 d8
> e4. r4. r4. r8 dis8 e8
> f8 g8 f8 f8 e8 f8 a4. ~a8 f8 e8
> d8 cis8 d8 g8 fis8 g8 g8 fis8 g8 bes8 g8 f8
> g2. r2.
> r2. r8 r8 bes8 a8 g8 f8
> \key c \major
> e8 c8 e8 f8 d8 f8 g8 e8 g8 f8 r8 dis8
> e4 c8 r4. r8 r8 a8 b8 c8 d8
> e8 c8 e8 f8 d8 f8 g8 e8 g8 f8 d8 f8
> a2. r4 a8 g8 a8 g8
> b8 g8 b8 g4 a8 r4. r8 r8 g8
> bes8 g8 bes8 g4 a8 r4. r4.
> r4 d,8 e8 g8 a8 r4 bes8 ~(bes8 a8) g8
> g1.
> r4. bes8. a8.~a2.
> r1
> }
> text = \lyricmode {
>   Win i fred maid of the My re has but 
> one sin gle hu man de si re Oh I 
> ask for no more than two shoes on the floor next to 
> mine
> Some one to fly and to float with To
>  swim in the marsh and the moat with As for 
> this one he'd be 
> fine And I'm 
> burn ing to bring it a bout If I
> don't I'll be stuck with good bye and good luck and get
> out
> I want to get
> in to some hap pi ly hap pi ly ev er
> af ter I want to walk
> hap pi ly out of the chap el e tern nal ly 
> tied and then I'll be
> hap pi ly hap py yes
> hap pi ly hap py
> and thour ough ly sat is
> fied 
> oh yeah!
> }
> upper = 
> \relative c' {
>   \clef treble
>   \key g \major
>   \time 12/8
>   \time 12/8
>   \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 4/4
>     \scaleDurations 3/2{
> <g b>4 (<e bes' d>8) r8 \grace dis'8 (<a e'>8) (<c g>8) \times 2/3 {r8 <c f 
> bes>8 r8} 
> <g b>4 (<e bes' d>8) r8 <fis bes>8 (<e a>4.)
> <f b>4 (<g c>4 <a d>4 <g c>4)
> \times 2/3 {r8 <g' d'> <bes d>}
> %Voice 1              Voice 2
> << {\times 2/3 {d4 d8}} \\ {\times 2/3 {a16 bes16 a16 g8 e8}} >>
> <g d>8 <bes d>8 ~<bes d>8 <a d>8
> <bes, d ees g>4 <bes d ees g>4 <d es g>4 <d ees g>4
> <f, a d>4 <f a d>4 <bes d g>4 <bes d f>4
> <d e g' bes d e>8 <d e g bes d e>8 r4 r8 <gis, b f>4 <f gis d>8
> }
> }
> lower = 
> \relative c {
>   \clef bass
>   \key g \major
>   \time 12/8
>   \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 4/4
>     \scaleDurations 3/2{
> g1
> r1
> r1
> r1
> r1
> r1
> }
> }
> \score {
>   <<
>     \new Voice = "mel" { \autoBeamOff \melody }
>     \new Lyrics \lyricsto mel \text
>     \new PianoStaff <<
>       \new Staff = "upper" \upper
>       \new Staff = "lower" \lower
>     >>
>   >>
>   \layout {
>     \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves }
>   }
>   \midi { }
> }
> \version "2.16.2"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.
> <Screen shot 2013-03-08 at 12.47.02 AM.jpeg>
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