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Re: Custom footers

From: james
Subject: Re: Custom footers
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 22:27:52 +0100

On Mar 18, 2013, at 8:40 PM, Jérôme Plût wrote:

Postridie Idus Martias MMXIII scripsit Thomas Morley :
Where do you store the values you want have printed?
How is the structure of your file(s).
Which is your version?

Please post a compilable example.

I have access to lilypond 2.12.3 (Debian stable).

I of course already looked in the documentation page
and this was why I referred to the extremely poor (and ugly) language of
\on-the-fly and \fromproperty.

Where do I store the values: that is actually part of the question.

they come from the header. It might be valuable to re-read 3.1.3  which states, ".ly file may contain any number of toplevel expressions, where a toplevel _expression_ is one of the following: An output definition, such as \paper\midi, and \layout. Such a definition at the toplevel changes the default book-wide settings. If more than one such definition of the same type is entered at the top level any definitions in the later expressions have precedence."

So you can have only one toplevel \paper, although you can have a separate one for each \bookpart.

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