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Re: how offsets and alignment works: an explanation

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: how offsets and alignment works: an explanation
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 10:29:34 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130308 Thunderbird/17.0.4

Wow, cool!

Can you give a quick hint why this isn't possible to implement as an \override?

Attached you'll find a function that AFAIR you provided too, which displays the control points of curves.
This new function would be a great companion for that, but it would of course be nice if they could be used consistently.

BTW we're preparing the release of a LilyPond toolbox library (where \displayControlPoints will be included of course), and I'd love to include this new one there too.


Am 26.03.2013 00:34, schrieb Thomas Morley:
2013/3/25 Thomas Morley <address@hidden>:
2013/3/24 Janek Warchoł <address@hidden>:

On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 3:02 AM, Thomas Morley
<address@hidden> wrote:
this is great!!
Could i ask you to write a function that would print a red dot on top
of a grob's refpoint?  (the image i've attached was made with GIMP,
and it would be better to have it in lily code.  I'm sure this would
be simple for you.)
Sometimes simple things are the most difficult. :)

Will try the upcoming days.
Hi Janek,

functions below as desired. :)

\printRefpoint <boolean> <arg>
<arg> may be a single grob-name-symbol or a list of grob-names or 'all-grobs
Setting <boolean> #t will result in an additional text, printing the
grob-name. Enabling it will result in possible
Due to issue 3255 the output will be strange, while using a newer devel-version.

I didn't manage to apply \printRefpoint only once. Hints?
Therefore I provide a second method.

More comments in code.

\version "2.16.2"

#(set-global-staff-size 20)

#(define (add-dot text?)
  (lambda (grob)
      (let* ((layout (ly:grob-layout grob))
             (props (layout-extract-page-properties layout))
               (ly:paper-get-font layout
                 (cons '((font-encoding . fetaMusic)) props)))
             ;; Get the stencil-procedure from ly:grob-basic-properties.
             ;; If any, use it to create the stencil.
             (function (assoc-get 'stencil (ly:grob-basic-properties grob)))
             (stencil (if function (function grob) point-stencil))
             ;; Get the grob-name and create a text-stencil.
             ;; Read out the y-length for later translate.
                (lambda (x) (assq-ref (ly:grob-property x 'meta) 'name)))
             (grob-name (grob-name-proc grob))
             (grob-string (if (symbol? grob-name)
                              (symbol->string grob-name)
                              "no name"))
             (ref-text-stil (grob-interpret-markup grob
                                     #:with-color red
                                     #:abs-fontsize 6
                                     (string-append "   " grob-string))))
                (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent ref-text-stil Y)))
             (grob-string-stil (if text? (grob-interpret-markup grob
                                     #:with-dimensions '(0 . 0) '(0 . 0)
             ;; Create a red-dot-stencil
             (dot (ly:font-get-glyph font ""))
             (red-dot (ly:stencil-in-color dot 1 0 0))
                (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent red-dot X)))
                (ly:stencil-translate-axis red-dot (/ red-dot-length -2) X)))

      ;; If there's a grob with stencil-procedure and a valid stencil is
      ;; created, add the red-dot-stil and an optional text-stencil.
      (if (and function (ly:stencil? stencil) (grob::is-live? grob))
          (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil
              (if text?
                    90 0 0)
                    (/ ref-text-stil-length 2)

% needs to be here for 2.16.2
#(define-public (symbol-list-or-symbol? x)
  (if (list? x)
      (every symbol? x)
      (symbol? x)))

#(define (add-red-dot-to-grobs text? l)
 ;; possible values for l:
 ;;   'all-grobs (adds red-dots to all grobs, where possible)
 ;;          this will naturally cause collisions,
 ;;   a single grob-name, must be a symbol,
 ;;   a list of grob-names,
 ;;   anything else (returns the unchanged original stencil)
 ;;  TODO: How to apply it once?
  (let ((grobs-to-consider
          (cond ((eq? l 'all-grobs)
                ((symbol? l)
                  (list (assoc l all-grob-descriptions)))
                ((list? l)
                    (lambda (grob)
                      (assoc grob all-grob-descriptions))
                (else '()))))
  (lambda (context)
   (let loop ((x grobs-to-consider))
    (if (not (null? x))
     (let ((grob-name (caar x)))
         (add-dot text?))
      (loop (cdr x))))))))

printRefpoint =
#(define-music-function (parser location text? s-or-l)(boolean?
 Will add a red dot (and an optional text) to the stencil's ref-point of the
 specified grob(s).
 Valid input for s-or-l:
      @code{'all-grobs}, (adds red-dots to all grobs, where possible), this will
          naturally cause collisions
      a single grob-name, must be a symbol,
      a list of grob-names.
 The additional text may be activated by @code{##t}.
 To avoid bleeding-overs any context has to be initiated explicitly.
        \applyContext #(add-red-dot-to-grobs text? s-or-l)

%% For single use:

#(define addDot
  (lambda (grob)
      (let* ((function (assoc-get 'stencil (ly:grob-basic-properties grob)))
             (stencil (if function (function grob) point-stencil))
             (layout (ly:grob-layout grob))
             (props (layout-extract-page-properties layout))
               (ly:paper-get-font layout
                 (cons '((font-encoding . fetaMusic)) props)))
             (dot (ly:font-get-glyph font ""))
             (red-dot (ly:stencil-in-color dot 1 0 0))
             (red-dot-length (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent red-dot X)))
                (ly:stencil-translate-axis red-dot (/ red-dot-length -2) X)))

      (if (and function (ly:stencil? stencil) (grob::is-live? grob))
          (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil

%% Overriding grobs must be defined separately.
%% Don't forget to specify the context if necessary.
 \override Script #'after-line-breaking = #addDot


mus =
        \override NoteHead #'style = #'altdefault
        % Testing if \printRefpoint works with a custom-override.
        \once \override Script #'stencil =
          #(lambda (grob)
             (ly:font-get-glyph (ly:grob-default-font grob) "scripts.coda"))

        c''\fermata |
        as'1^"Yogi" |
        b'\breve _"Larry" |
        \mark "Twinkle" e''8 s4.
        \bar "|."

\markup "Red dots are added for TimeSignature, Script, BarLine"
\new Staff \with { \printRefpoint ##f #'(TimeSignature Script BarLine) } \mus

\markup "Red dots are added for TextScript plus additional text"
\new Staff \with { \printRefpoint ##t #'TextScript } \mus

\markup "Red dots are added for all grobs"
\new Staff \with { \printRefpoint ##f #'all-grobs } \mus

\markup "Red dots are added for all grobs plus additional text"
\new Staff \with { \printRefpoint ##t #'all-grobs } \mus

\markup "Red dot is added once to Script using \\onceRedScript"
        \override NoteHead #'style = #'altdefault
        % Testing if \printRefpoint works with a custom-override.
        \once \override Script #'stencil =
          #(lambda (grob)
             (ly:font-get-glyph (ly:grob-default-font grob) "scripts.coda"))
        c''\fermata |
        as'1^"Yogi" |
        b'\breve _"Larry" |
        \mark "Twinkle" e''8-| s4.
        \bar "|."

Code and png are attached, too.


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