\version "2.17.3" %{PROJECT: This file belongs to the project "Oskar Fried. Complete Lieder" edited from the original prints by Urs Liska and Alexander Gurdon (address@hidden, address@hidden) %} %{TYPE: This file is part of the global configuration %} %{FILE: This file globally switches on the display of control-points To achieve this, just include this file as a top level include Alternatively (and usually preferrable) use \display[Once]ControlPoints[WithLines] to show selected control-points %} % TODO: clean up comments % Add "Part of curvesToolbox" % DEPRECATED % This shouldn't be used anymore and is only present % for compatibility with existing scores. % Please use % \layout { \debugCurvesOn } % somewhere in the (master) file % \layout { \context { \Score \override Slur #'stencil = #(display-control-points) \override PhrasingSlur #'stencil = #(display-control-points) \override Tie #'stencil = #(display-control-points) } }