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Re: Expansion of score for different format

From: Jay Anderson
Subject: Re: Expansion of score for different format
Date: Wed, 8 May 2013 20:32:45 -0700

On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Carl Peterson <address@hidden> wrote:
> If something doesn't already exist, I suppose the question would be whether
> there's a way to accomplish this by Scheme?

Yes, I do something similar. This might help get you started:

\version "2.17.16"

#(define (make-my-scores parser location up down lyrics verse)
  (if (not (null? lyrics))
    (let* ((verseStr (string-append (number->string verse) "."))
            \new Staff="top" { \new Voice="soprano" { \clef treble $up } }
            \new Staff="bottom" { \new Voice="tenor" { \clef bass $down } }
            \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "bottom" }
\lyricsto "soprano" { \set stanza = $verseStr $(car lyrics) }
      (add-score parser score)
      (make-my-scores parser location up down (cdr lyrics) (+ verse 1)))))

seqVerses =
#(define-void-function (parser location up down lyrics) (ly:music?
ly:music? list?)
  (make-my-scores parser location up down lyrics 1))

soprano = \relative c' { c4 c c c | }
tenor = \relative c { c4 c c c | }
verseOne = \lyricmode { a b c d }
verseTwo = \lyricmode { e f g h }

\seqVerses \soprano \tenor #(list verseOne verseTwo)


I think you're better off writing two separate functions instead of a
big if/else block: one for one score with multiple verses and another,
like the above, for multiple scores each with one verse.


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