\version "2.16.2" stemOff = { \override Staff.Stem #'transparent = ##t } stemOn = { \revert Staff.Stem #'transparent } Melody = { \key e \major \relative f' { e4 fis gis b } \improvisationOn \stemOff b'4 b' b' b' \stemOn \improvisationOff \relative f' { fis4 gis a cis } } Chords = \chordmode { bes1:maj7.5- } \score { << \new ChordNames \Chords \new Staff \Melody >> } % this works, but transposes E major to an unfortunate C# major \score { << \transpose ees c' \new ChordNames \Chords \transpose ees c' \new Staff \Melody >> } %{ So I did this to get Db major (five flats instead of seven sharps) but now the chord symbol is not transposed correctly. Granted, even the "correct" answer of aeses:maj7.5- is not all that great, but the transposed output shows a very different chord nomenclature. It would expect it to say A double-flat triangle flat 5. Be that as it may, what's the practical approach to fixing that one chord in the transposed output? The original key of E calls out a bes:maj7.5- so I think in Db the best choice is g:maj7.5-. How do I accomplish that? A special-case Ignatzek exception or some such? Is that the simplest way? %} \score { << \transpose dis c' \new ChordNames \Chords \transpose dis c' \new Staff \Melody >> }