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Re: Accidental placement when some accidentals are suppressed

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: Accidental placement when some accidentals are suppressed
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 09:57:39 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Timothy Lanfear <address@hidden> writes:

>> I'm not top posting.

> \version "2.17.20"
> \layout { \accidentalStyle neo-modern }
> \relative c' {
>   <cis eis gis>1
>   <\single \omit Accidental c e \single \omit Accidental g>1
> }

> If I suppress some accidentals of a chord with \single \omit (which will
> make sense in the context of the score I am setting), the remaining
> accidentals are placed as if the suppressed accidentals are still present.
> Is this the expected behaviour?

My vote would be on "no".  It would be expected behavior if you had used
\single\hide instead of \single\omit.

Not all code deals gracefully with \omit.  It would be my suspicion that
using unusual fonts or scaled accidentals would then also prove
problematic, so just special-casing the stencil = ##f condition might
not be sufficient for dealing with all stencil-related special cases.

At any rate, it may be a low-priority problem, but it can reasonably be
called a bug as it violates expectations.

David Kastrup

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