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Re: can I set panning in midi

From: Colin Campbell
Subject: Re: can I set panning in midi
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 18:34:43 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130803 Thunderbird/17.0.8

On 13-09-05 04:50 PM, Karl Hammar wrote:
Producing exercise sound files for the choir, they basically wants
mp3's or something similar. I have tried ogg but their systems kind
of not understands that.

I'd like to have e.g. basses at left, tenors mid left, altos mid right
and sopranos at right, to make each voice easier to hear and follow.

Attached is a template I use for a Gospel quartet, Karl. It produces a master score, scores for each part with their voice isolated, and corresponding MIDI files, again with each voice set a bit louder than the other three. I can also use timidity to convert the MIDI files to .mp3 for those who need that format.



\version "2.17.25"

\language "english"

\header {

title = "This Is A Title"

instrument = "Male Quartet"

composer = "D. Composer"

arranger = "The Lone"

copyright =\markup { \char ##x00A9 2020 D. Composer }

tagline = "Engraved with Lilypond"


\paper {

#(set-paper-size "letter")


global = {

\key af \major

\time 2/2

\tempo 2=92

% \accidentalStyle voice

\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-alphabet


tenor = {

\relative c' {


% Music follows here.




lead = {

\relative c {


% Music follows here.




bari = {

\relative c' {


% Music follows here.




bass = {

\relative c {


% Music follows here.




verse = \lyricmode {

% Lyrics follow here.



verseLead = \lyricmode {

% Lyrics follow here.



verseBari = \lyricmode {

% Lyrics follow here.



verseBass = \lyricmode {

% Lyrics follow here.



rehearsalMidi = #


(parser location name midiInstrument lyrics) (string? string? ly:music?)




\new Staff = "tenor" \new Voice = "tenor" { s1*0\f \tenor }

\new Staff = "lead" \new Voice = "lead" { s1*0\f \lead }

\new Staff = "bari" \new Voice = "bari" { s1*0\f \bari }

\new Staff = "bass" \new Voice = "bass" { s1*0\f \bass }

\context Staff = $name {

\set Score.midiMinimumVolume = #0.8

\set Score.midiMaximumVolume = #1.0

\set Score.tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 92/2)

\set Staff.midiMinimumVolume = #0.8

\set Staff.midiMaximumVolume = #1.0

\set Staff.midiInstrument = $midiInstrument


\new Lyrics \with {

alignBelowContext = $name

} \lyricsto $name $lyrics



\score {

% \unfoldRepeats

\new ChoirStaff <<

\new Lyrics = "tenor" \with {

\override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #DOWN


\accidentalStyle StaffGroup.voice

\new Staff \with {

midiInstrument = "tenor sax"

instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Tenor" "Lead" }

shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Ten" "Ld" }

} <<

\clef "treble_8"

\new Voice = "tenor" { \voiceOne \tenor }

\new Voice = "lead" { \voiceTwo \lead }


\new Lyrics = "lead"

\new Lyrics = "bari" \with {

\override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #DOWN


\new Staff \with {

midiInstrument = "baritone sax"

instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Baritone" "Bass" }

shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Bar" "Bss" }

} <<

\clef bass

\new Voice = "bari" { \voiceOne \bari }

\new Voice = "bass" { \voiceTwo \bass }


\new Lyrics = "bass"

\context Lyrics = "tenor" \lyricsto "tenor" \verse

\context Lyrics = "lead" \lyricsto "lead" \verseLead

\context Lyrics = "bari" \lyricsto "bari" \verseBari

\context Lyrics = "bass" \lyricsto "bass" \verseBass


\layout {

\context {


\override Glissando.thickness = #3

\override = #0.1



\midi {



% Tenor score

\bookpart {

\header {

instrument = "Tenor"


\score {

\new GrandStaff <<

\new Staff \with {

instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Tenor" }

shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Ten" }


{ \tenor }

\addlyrics \verse

\new ChoirStaff <<

\new Staff \with {

\clef "treble_8"

instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Lead" }

shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Ld" }


{ \lead }

\new Staff \with {

instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Baritone" "Bass" }

shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Bar" "Bss" }

} <<

\clef bass

\new Voice = "bari" { \voiceOne \bari }

\new Voice = "bass" { \voiceTwo \bass }




\layout {

\context {


\override Glissando.thickness = #3

\override = #0.1





% Lead score

\bookpart {

\header {

instrument = "Lead"


\score {

\new GrandStaff <<

\new Staff \with {

instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Lead" }

shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Ld" }


{ \clef "treble_8" \lead }

\addlyrics \verseLead

\new ChoirStaff <<

\new Staff \with {

instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Tenor" }

shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Ten" }


{ \clef "treble_8" \tenor }

\new Staff \with {

instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Baritone" "Bass" }

shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Bar" "Bss" }

} <<

\clef bass

\new Voice = "bari" { \voiceOne \bari }

\new Voice = "bass" { \voiceTwo \bass }




\layout {

\context {


\override Glissando.thickness = #3

\override = #0.1





% Baritone score

\bookpart {

\header {

instrument = "Baritone"


\score {

\new GrandStaff <<

\new Staff \with {

instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Baritone" }

shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Bar" }


{ \clef bass \bari }

\addlyrics \verseBari

\new ChoirStaff <<

\new Staff \with {

\clef "treble_8"

instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Tenor" "Lead" }

shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Ten" "Ld" }


\clef "treble_8"

\new Voice = "tenor" { \voiceOne \tenor }

\new Voice = "lead" { \voiceTwo \lead }


\new Staff \with {

instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Bass" }

shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Bss" }

} <<

\clef bass

\new Voice = "bass" { \voiceOne \bass }




\layout {

\context {


\override Glissando.thickness = #3

\override = #0.1





% Bass


\bookpart {

\header {

instrument = "Bass"


\score {

\new GrandStaff <<

\new Staff \with {

instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Bass" }

shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Bss" }


{ \clef bass \bass }

\addlyrics \verseBass

\new ChoirStaff <<

\new Staff \with {

\clef "treble_8"

instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Tenor" "Lead" }

shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Ten" "Ld" }


\clef "treble_8"

\new Voice = "tenor" { \voiceOne \tenor }

\new Voice = "lead" { \voiceTwo \lead }


\new Staff \with {

instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Bari" }

shortInstrumentName = \markup \center-column { "Bar" }

} <<

\clef bass

\new Voice = "bari" { \voiceOne \bari }




\layout {

\context {


\override Glissando.thickness = #3

\override = #0.1





% Rehearsal MIDI files:

\book {

\bookOutputSuffix "tenor"

\score {

\rehearsalMidi "tenor" "tenor sax" \verse

\midi { }



\book {

\bookOutputSuffix "lead"

\score {

\rehearsalMidi "lead" "tenor sax" \verse

\midi { }



\book {

\bookOutputSuffix "bari"

\score {

\rehearsalMidi "bari" "tenor sax" \verse

\midi { }



\book {

\bookOutputSuffix "bass"

\score {

\rehearsalMidi "bass" "tenor sax" \verse

\midi { }




convert-ly (GNU LilyPond) 2.17.10 convert-ly: Processing `'...

Applying conversion: 2.15.39, 2.15.40, 2.15.42, 2.15.43, 2.16.0,

2.17.0, 2.17.4, 2.17.5, 2.17.6



convert-ly (GNU LilyPond) 2.17.25 convert-ly: Processing `'...

Applying conversion: 2.17.11, 2.17.15, 2.17.18, 2.17.19, 2.17.20,



I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands. 
You need to be able to throw something back. 
-Maya Angelou, poet (1928- )

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