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RE: Title Page

From: Peter Gentry
Subject: RE: Title Page
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 09:45:01 -0000


There is always more than one way to skin the cat I use something like

The file mozza4.eps is a graphic use a batch file
for %%F in (*.png) do sam2p.exe %%F %%~nF.eps

for %%F in (*.jpg) do sam2p.exe %%F %%~nF.eps

To convert to eps
I forget where I found sam2p.exe but it should be in the Lilypond archives 

% ----------------------------------------
% K388 Serenade Clarinet 1
% ---------------------------------------
\version "2.16.0"
#(set-global-staff-size 20)
% variables for later use to avoid repititions
date = #(strftime "%d-%m-%Y" (localtime (current-time)))
xtitle = "Serenade No. 12  K388"
xsubtitle = "arranged as Wind Quintet "
xChristian = "Wolfgang Amadeus"
xSurname = "Mozart"
xdates = "(1756-1791)"
xpart = "Clarinet 1"
xinstrument = "Clt1"
xmidiInstrument = "clarinet"
xstamp = \markup{\concat { "Engraved "  \bold \date " with "  \with-url 
#""; "LilyPond " \simple
#(lilypond-version) " (" }  }

% variable to control minimum ledger space after pageturn shrinkage 
ledgers =  \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'minimum-length-fraction = #0.5
% ---------------------------------------
% define staffinstrument
% --------------------------------------
staffinstrument = \new Staff { 
        \set Staff.instrumentName = \xinstrument
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = \xmidiInstrument
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% header for the first page only
\header {
  mycustomtext= \markup  {
      \fill-line {
          \column {
             \center-align {
                                    " "
                                    \fontsize #-1 "Original 
                                     \fontsize #-1 "Finale version 
address@hidden Oliver Seeley and assigned to public domain" }

% -----------------------------------------------------------
% set the paper layout for binding
% footer has title and page number
% -----------------------------------------------------------
 \paper {
                two-sided = ##t
                top-margin = 10\mm
                bottom-margin = 10\mm    
                inner-margin = 20 \mm
                outer-margin = 20 \mm
                binding-offset = 5 \mm
                first-page-number = #1
                blank-after-score-page-force = #10
                page-breaking = #ly:page-turn-breaking   
                ragged-bottom = ##t 
                indent = 20\mm
                print-page-number = ##t
                print-first-page-number = ##f
                oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \null
                evenHeaderMarkup = \markup \null
                oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
                                                  \fill-line {
                                                   \fontsize #2  \fromproperty 
                                                       \fontsize #2  
\fromproperty #'page:page-number-string
                                                              } % end of fill 

                                                          } % end of markup 
                evenFooterMarkup = \oddFooterMarkup
         } % end of paper block

% -----------------------------------------------------------
% typeset the movements in a book
% -----------------------------------------------------------


% -----------------------------------------------------------
% Frontispiece block - note use of variables
% -----------------------------------------------------------
\markup  {
      \fill-line {
          \column {
             \center-align {
                               \vspace #2 \fontsize #10 \concat { \xChristian " 
"  \xSurname } 
                               \vspace #1 \fontsize #6 \xdates
                               \vspace #1 \fontsize #10 \xtitle
                               \vspace #1 \fontsize #5 \xsubtitle
                               \vspace #1 \fontsize #5 \italic  
                               \vspace #1 \fontsize #2 "originally scored for 2 
oboes 2 clarinets 2 F Horns and  2 Bassoons"
                               \vspace #1 \general-align #Y #DOWN { \epsfile #Y 
#40 #"./mozza4.eps"  }                          
                               \vspace #1 \fontsize #4 \xpart
\markup{\vspace #1 \fontsize #-2 \justify-string #"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 
composed over 600 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles
of symphonic, concertante, chamber, operatic, and choral music. He is among the 
most enduringly popular of classical composers.
Mozart showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood in Salzburg. 
Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from
the age of five and performed before European royalty. At 17, he was engaged as 
a court musician in Salzburg, but grew restless and
travelled in search of a better position, always composing abundantly. While 
visiting Vienna in 1781, he was dismissed from his
Salzburg position. He chose to stay in the capital, where he achieved fame but 
little financial security.  
Mozart learned voraciously from others, and developed a brilliance and maturity 
of style that encompassed the light and graceful
along with the dark and passionate. His influence on subsequent Western art 
music is profound. Beethoven composed his own early
works in the shadow of Mozart, and Joseph Haydn wrote that posterity will not 
see such a talent again in 100 years."
The following movements are contained within Bookparts.

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