\version "2.16.0" % (is Lilypond current version - checked 2013.09.28) % template version 2013.10.26 ncShift = #(define-music-function (parser location move) (number?) #{ \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #move #}) \header { % <***** centered top *****> %dedication="dedication" %centered above title, top of page one title = "Problem snippet" %centered below dedication instrument = "Classic Guitar" %{ centered below the subsubtitle, and at the top of pages (other than the first page). %} } global = { \clef "treble_8" \key c \major \time 3/4 } % * VOICE ONE ======================================== melody = \relative c { \voiceOne \global r4 a'' c ~ | c g b ~ | b f a ~ | a e a8 gis | % * m 5 ===== ===== ===== ===== r4 a b ~ | b g a ~ | \break a f g ~ | g e d ~ | d c8 b b4 | \bar "||" } % * VOICE THREE ======================================= % used only when there are three parts alto = \relative c { \voiceThree \stemDown s4 c' a ~ | a b g ~ | g a f ~ | f gis b | % * m 5 ===== ===== ===== ===== << % continue voice three {\voiceTwo s4 c8 b a4 ^~ | \ncShift #-0.5 a b8 a g4 ^~ | \ncShift #-0.5 g a8 g f4 ^~ | \ncShift #-0.5 f gis f ^~ | \ncShift #-0.5 f e d |} \\ {\voiceFour s2.| s2.| s2.| s2.| s4 g g8 a |} >> } % * VOICE TWO ======================================== bass = \relative c { \voiceTwo a2. | a2. | a2. | a2. | % * m 5 ===== ===== ===== ===== a2. | \ncShift #0.01 a2. | \ncShift #0.01 a2. | \ncShift #0.01 a2. | \ncShift #0.01 a2. | } structure = { \new Staff = "guitar" \with { \consists "Span_arpeggio_engraver" } << %\set Staff.instrumentName="Classical Guitar" %puts name to left of line one \set Staff.midiInstrument="acoustic guitar (nylon)" \set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t \context Voice = "melody" \melody \context Voice = "alto" \alto \context Voice = "bass" \bass >> } \score { \structure \layout { indent = 0.0\cm % remove indent on first staff } }