\version "2.17.96" backtodefaults = { %% \override LyricText.extra-spacing-height = #'(0.2 . -0.2) %% \override LyricText.vertical-skylines = #grob::always-vertical-skylines-from-stencil \override LyricText.Y-extent = #grob::always-Y-extent-from-stencil %% \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing = %% #'((basic-distance . 0) %% (minimum-distance . 2.8) %% (padding . 0.2) %% (stretchability . 0)) } lyrI = \lyricmode { Yes -- ter -- day ly -- rics spa -- cing still was far a -- way. } lyrII = \lyricmode { Help! __ _ _ I need some -- bo -- dy! __ _ Help! __ _ _ } lyrRef = \lyricmode { Now \backtodefaults it looks as if that's goin' to stay... Oh I be -- lieve in Li -- ly -- pond! } mel = \relative c' { c8 c c2. | r4 c8 c c c c c | c8. c16 c2 r4 } melRef = \relative c' { r4 c8 c c c c c | c4 c8 c4. c4 | c c c c | c c8 c4. r4 } %% #(ly:set-option 'debug-skylines #t) #(set-default-paper-size "a5") \score { << \new Staff = "staff" { \new Voice = "mel" \mel \new Voice = "melRef" \melRef } \new Lyrics = "lyrI" \lyricsto "mel" \lyrI \new Lyrics = "lyrRef" \with { %% \override LyricText.extra-spacing-height = #'(+inf.0 . -inf.0) %% \override LyricText.vertical-skylines = ##f \override LyricText.Y-extent = ##f %% \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing = #'() } \lyricsto "melRef" \lyrRef \new Lyrics = "lyrII" \lyricsto "mel" \lyrII >> }