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Re: Learning LilyPond, comments invited

From: Carl Sorensen
Subject: Re: Learning LilyPond, comments invited
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2014 03:40:15 +0000
User-agent: Microsoft-MacOutlook/

Hi Colin,

On 1/2/14 12:20 PM, "Colin Tennyson" <address@hidden> wrote:

>Following the example in the above link I have placed the layout-declaring
>commands in a separate group called 'barSetup':
>- \hide Staff.BarLine
>- All the instances of \break
>- \undo \hide \Staff.BarLine
>The \undo \hide \Staff.Barline must be kept in sync with the notes, so it
>must be snug with the notes.

Actually, it doesn't need to be snug with the notes.  If you know the
overall layout you want, you can entirely separate it.  You don't need to
but \barSetup in the notes for each staff; you can just add it in each
staff.  That's the way I'd recommend to do it; it has nothing to do with
the notes.

>It's clear to me now how much the  << .... >> operator is the workhorse of

You're using some parallel music in places where you don't need to, IMO.

>In the case of this document the only group that has a pipe symbol for
>_every_ barline is the \barSetup group. It would be nice to have other
>groups sync up to that one.

The bar check symbol (pipe symbol) doesn't sync anything.  It just checks
the musical moment and throws a warning if it's not zero.

Your music has some durations that cross bar lines.  These durations mess
up the bar checks.  Is there a reason you don't separate them into tied
groups so there are bar line breaks?

In this music you have melismata across rests.  Do you really want to do
that?  I don't know how I would sing a syllable across a rest.

You don't use extenders for melismata, but instead try to just use
hyphens.  Is there a reason for that?

Here's the way I'd lay out your music, FWIW.

Carl S.

\version "2.18.0"
\language "english"

% 't' as in 'test' or 'transcribing an existing score'
tBreak = { \break }
ficta = { \once \set suggestAccidentals = ##t }
addKey = { \key c \major  \time 4/4 }

barSetup =
  \hide Staff.BarLine  % for the Mensurstriche: inside the staff hide the
  s1 |         s1 |         s1 | \tBreak s1 |         s1 |         %005
  s1 |         s1 |         s1 | \tBreak s1 |         s1 |         %010
  \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "||" % final barline visible

staffOneNotes =  \relative c'' {
  g1 | g2 a2 | b2 g2 | r2 a2 | d2. c4 | %005
  b2 a2 | r4 d4 d4 b4 | c4. b8 a8[ g8] a4. g8[ f8 e8] d4 a'2  g2 \ficta
fs4 |  %010

staffOneWords = \lyricmode {
  San -- cta Ma -- ri -- a, San -- cta Ma -- %005
  ri -- a, suc -- cur -- re mi-  __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ %010

staffTwoNotes =  \relative c' {
  %\clef "G_8"
  g2 c2~ | c4 d4 a2 | g4. a8 b8[ c8] d4 ~ | d4 cs4 d2 | r4 d2 d4 |  %005
  e2 f2 | d2 r2 | c2 f2~ | f4 d4 f2 | e2 d4. c8 | %010

staffTwoWords = \lyricmode {
  San -- cta Ma -- ri -- a, San -- cta %05
  Ma -- ri- __ _ _ _ _ _ _  a, suc -- cur -- re mi -- se- __ _ _  %10

#(set-global-staff-size 18)

\header {
  title = "Sancta Maria, succurre miseris"
  composer = "Philippe Verdelot"
  tagline = ""

\score {
  \transpose c' c' {
    \new StaffGroup <<
      \new Staff <<
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Superius "
        \new Voice = "staffOne" <<
          {\addKey \staffOneNotes}
        \new Lyrics  \lyricsto "staffOne"  \staffOneWords
      \new Staff <<
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Contratenor "
        \new Voice = "staffTwo" <<
          { \addKey \staffTwoNotes}
        \new Lyrics  \lyricsto "staffTwo"  \staffTwoWords

  \layout {
    indent = 6\cm
    %#(layout-set-staff-size 18)
    \context { \Score \hide SystemStartBracket }
    \context { \Score barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible
5) }
    \context { \Score \override BarNumber.break-visibility =
#end-of-line-invisible }
    \context { \Score \override BarNumber.self-alignment-X = #LEFT }
    \context { \Score \override BarNumber.font-size = #3 }
    \context { \Staff \override InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT }
    \context { \Voice \remove "Forbid_line_break_engraver" }
  %\midi { }

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