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How to align object with far right edge of all kinds of barline?

From: Philip Thomas
Subject: How to align object with far right edge of all kinds of barline?
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 00:44:22 +0100

I want to print a graphical object in the right margin that _just touches_ the far right edge of the barline at the end of the staff line. I have been experimenting with a postscript object included in a \mark \markup {  } _expression_ as a RehearsalMark, with an adjustment of the break alignment visibility. Vertical placement is not a problem, but I haven’t succeeded in achieving precise horizontal placement that works for all kinds of barline.


The appearance is OK when the final barline on the line is a single barline, but when there is a double or thin + thick barline, the object overlaps with the barline. It appears that the default left alignment is to the _centre_ of the overall barline width rather than to the _right edge_ of it. Having to fix the horizontal placement separately for each kind of barline would work, of course, but would be a pain in the butt, and may not work for all staff sizes.


I would prefer to find a general solution (including a fixed horizontal spacing adjustment, if necessary) that works for _all_ kinds of barline.


It seemed to me that a solution that relies on the far right edge of the barline ought to work, but I haven’t found any way of doing that from my reading of the manuals.


Another possibility might be to align the object with the far right edge of the staff itself (rather than of the barline at the end of the line) but I have not found a way of doing that either.


Any suggestions as to how to go about looking for a solution would be greatly appreciated.


Philip Thomas

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