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Re: Overriding bound details of VoiceFollower line

From: David B. Stocker
Subject: Re: Overriding bound details of VoiceFollower line
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 12:57:29 -0500
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That does the trick.

Thanks Alex.

On 01/20/2014 12:34 PM, Alex Loomis wrote:
Move it to after the e but before the change.



cs8 a r a e' e

\once \override VoiceFollower #'(bound-details right Y) = #-2

\change Staff = "Right"

\voiceTwo gs fs16 e

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 11:55 AM, David B. Stocker <address@hidden> wrote:
I've followed the directions in "Using the line-spanner-interface" in the manuals, trying to nudge the right end of a Voice Change line.

It isn't working.

Would someone mind taking a look at my example, and see if I'm missing something obvious?

I'm using LilyPond 2.16.2



%%%Minimal Example%%%

\version "2.16.2"

\include ""

\score {

\new PianoStaff <<

\new Staff = "Right" <<

\clef "treble"

\key d \major

\time 4/4

\new Voice {

\relative c'' {


r8 e fs fs16 gs a8 e b b



\new Voice {

\relative c'' {


e16 a, b cs d e~ e d cs8 b16 a s4




\new Staff = "Left" <<

\clef "bass"

\key d \major

\time 4/4

\new Voice {

\relative c' {



cs8 a r a e'

\once \override VoiceFollower #'(bound-details right Y) = #-2

e \change Staff = "Right"

\voiceTwo gs fs16 e



\new Voice {

\relative c' {


a8 a a a a gs16 d e8 d






%%%End Minimal Example%%%

David B. Stocker

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