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Re: Looking for work arround for partcombine's known issue

From: Ed Gordijn
Subject: Re: Looking for work arround for partcombine's known issue
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 09:51:05 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.2.0

Hi Keith,

Yes, thank you. Thats the trick.
... you can use the \removeWithTag feature.)

musicI = {


\tag #'partcombineHide { e''2( a'2) }

\tag #'partcombineOnly {<< { e''2( a'2) } \\ { \once\override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision =##t \once \stemUp e'2( a'2) } >>}




musicII = {


\tag #'partcombineHide { e'2( a'2) }

\tag #'partcombineOnly { s1 }




\markup { Hack with tags}


\new Staff {\removeWithTag #'partcombineHide \partcombine \musicI \musicII }

\new Staff {\removeWithTag #'partcombineOnly \musicI }

\new Staff {\removeWithTag #'partcombineOnly \musicII }


And the result is like the included figure.

Greetings, Ed

Attachment: partcombine1.png
Description: PNG image

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