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forcing SystemStartBracket after startStaff

From: Jean-Marc LEGRAND
Subject: forcing SystemStartBracket after startStaff
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2014 11:49:53 +0100

Dear friends, 

I'm really stuck with this issue : I have to engrave several variations
separated by a short white space but without any line break between

Thanks to Eluze, the \markup{} trick
is OK for a single page and quite usefull. But page breaks make it

So I'm trying to use stopStaff/startStaff and I'm stuck with the
staffGroup systemStartBracket after startStaff.

Does anyone know a magic trick such as \once \override
StaffGroup.SystemStartBracket.break-visibility = #all-visible, but
working ?

Another trick would be to change BarLine after startStaff into
something merging \bar"|" and a bracket...

Thanks for all !

Here's a piece of code to work on : 

\version "2.17.20"

%symbol to insert in white space
two = \markup {\override #'(font-name . "Adobe Garamond Pro Bold")
\fontsize #6 "2. "} text = {\once \override TextScript.extra-offset =
#'( 0 . -7) <>-\two}

%stop and startStaff
beforeSpace = {
  s4 \noBreak \bar ""

afterSpace= {
  s1 \noBreak 
  \bar "|" s32 \cadenzaOff% Add a wee bit of staff before the clef!
  \unset Timing.measureLength
  \bar ""
   \once \override StaffGroup.KeySignature.break-visibility =
#all-visible \once \override StaffGroup.Clef.break-visibility =
#all-visible }

space = {\beforeSpace \afterSpace}


global = {\key g \major \time 4/4}
A = \relative c'' {\repeat unfold 9 { c4 c c c } \bar "||"
                   \repeat unfold 5{c4 c c c} \bar "|."
B = \relative c' { \repeat unfold 9 { c4 c c c } \bar "||"
                   \repeat unfold 5{c4 c c c}\bar "|."
C = \relative c {  \clef bass \repeat unfold 9 { c4 c c c } \bar "||"
                   \repeat unfold 5{c4 c c c}\bar "|."

\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
    \new Staff{\global \A}
    \new Staff{\global \B}
    \new Staff{\global \C}


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