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Re: Is this reasonable/playable (guitar)?

From: pls
Subject: Re: Is this reasonable/playable (guitar)?
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 10:42:12 +0100

On 06.03.2014, at 09:58, David Kastrup <address@hidden> wrote:

> David Kastrup <address@hidden> writes:
>> David Kastrup <address@hidden> writes:
>>> pls <address@hidden> writes:
>>>> sounds good.  perfectly doable.  no problems.  I like the dorian runs
>>>> but I’d rather start the repetition sign after the partial...
>>> Sure, but I'd have to reorganize the lyrics.  Either that or use
>>> different repeat bars for guitar and vocals.  This is all "almost, but
>>> not quite" territory.
>>> Maybe it's really saner to redo the lyrics.
>> Definitely insane...
> Ok, here we go.  I also decided to beam over the whole second run in
> order to avoid suggesting a strongly grouped interpretation.
> \version "2.18.0"
> \header {
>  title = "Greensleeves"
>  composer = "Traditional"
>  mutopiacomposer = "Traditional"
>  arranger = "David Kastrup"
>  instrument = "vocals, guitar"
>  style = "Renaissance"
>  license = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0"
>  maintainer = "David Kastrup"
>  maintainerEmail = "address@hidden"
> }
> lyricsI = \lyricmode {
>  \set stanza = "1."
>  A- las, my love, you do me wrong
>  to cast me off dis- cour- teous -ly.
>  For I have lov'd thee well and long,
>  de- ligh- ting in your com- pa- ny.
> }
> lyricsII = \lyricmode {
>  \set stanza = "2."
>  I have been rea- dy at your hand,
>  to grant which- e- ver thou wouldst crave,
>  I have both wa- gered life and land
>  thy love and good- will for to have.
> }
> lyricsIII = \lyricmode {
>  \set stanza = "3."
>  My men were cloth- ed all in green,
>  and they did e- ver wait on thee.
>  All this was gal- lant to be seen,
>  and yet thou wouldst not love _ me.
> }
> lyricsIV = \lyricmode {
>  \set stanza = "4."
>  Now I shall pray to God on high
>  that thou my con- stancy may- est see
>  and that once more be- fore I die
>  thou wilt vouch- safe to love _ me.
> }
> lyricsV = \lyricmode {
>  \set stanza = "5."
>  Ah Green- sleeves, now fare- well a- dieu, _
>  God I pray to pro- sper thee.
>  For I am still thy lo- ver true,
>  come once a- gain and love _ me.
> }
> refrain = \lyricmode {
>  Green- sleeves was all my joy
>  Green- sleeves was my de- light.
>  Green- sleeves was my heart of gold,
>  and who but my la- dy Green- sleeves.
> }
> pattern =
> #(define-music-function (parser location bass1 bass2 chord1 chord2)
>  (ly:pitch? ly:pitch? ly:pitch? ly:pitch?)
>  (make-relative (bass1 bass2 chord1 chord2)
>   (make-event-chord (list bass1 bass2 chord1 chord2))
>   #{ <<
>        { r8 $bass2 [ <$chord1 $chord2 > $bass2 <$chord1 $chord2 > $bass2 ] | 
> } \\
>        $bass1 2.
>   #}))
> guitar = \relative {
>  \key d \dorian
>  \time 3/4
>  \pattern d a' d f
>  \pattern d a' d f
>  \repeat volta 5 {
>    \pattern f a d f
>    \pattern d a' d f
>    \pattern e g c e
>    \pattern c g' c e
>    \pattern f a d f
>    \pattern d a' d f
>    \pattern c g' c e
>    \pattern a g' c e
>    \pattern f' a d f
>    \pattern d a' d f
>    \pattern e g c e
>    \pattern c g' c e
>    \pattern d a' d f
>    %%  \pattern a g' c e
>    \pattern c a' c e
>    \pattern d a' d f
>    %%  \pattern a g' c e
>    %%  \pattern f, a' c f
>    d8 e f g a b\3
>    << { c a <c f> a <c f> a } \\
>       f,2.
>    \pattern f' a c f
>    \pattern e g c e
>    \pattern c g' c e
>    \pattern f a d f
>    \pattern d a' d f
>    \pattern c g' c e
>    %%  \pattern a g' c e
>    %%  \pattern f, a' c f
>    \tuplet 3/2 4 { a8[ b c d e f g a b]_\3 }
>    << { c a <c f> a <c f> a } \\
>       f,2.
>    \pattern f' a c f
>    \pattern e g c e
>    \pattern c g' c e
>    \pattern d a' d f
>    \pattern c a' c e
>  } \alternative {
>    { \pattern d a' d f
>      \pattern d a' d f
>    }
>    { \pattern d a' d f
>      \pattern d a' d f
>      <d a' d f>2.\arpeggio
>    }
>  }
> }
> melody = \relative {
>  \key d \dorian
>  r2. | r2 d'4 |
>  \repeat volta 5
>  { f2 g4 | a4. b8( a4) |
>    g2 e4 | c4. d8( e4) |
>    f2 d4 | d4. c8( d4) |
>    e2 c4 | a2 d4 |
>    f2 g4 | a4. b8( a4) |
>    g2 e4 | c4. d8( e4) |
>    f4. e8( d4) | c4. a8( c4) |
>    d2 d4 | d2 r4 |
>    c'2. | c4.( b8) a4 |
>    g2 e4 | c4.( d8 e4) |
>    f2( d4) | d4.( c8) d4 |
>    e2 c4 | a2 r4 |
>    c'2. | c4. b8 a4 |
>    g2 e4 | c4.( d8) e4 |
>    f4. e8 d4 | c4.( a8) c4 |
>  } \alternative {
>    { d2. | d4 r4 d4 | }
>    { d2. | d2 r4 | r2. }
>  }
>  \bar "|."
> }
> \score {
>  <<
>    \new Staff = "voice" \keepWithTag repeat { \melody }
>    \addlyrics { \lyricsI \break \refrain
>                \set stanza = "2." I
>                Green- sleeves.
>              }
>    \addlyrics { \lyricsII \repeat unfold 27 " "
>                \set stanza = "3." My }
>    \addlyrics { \lyricsIII \repeat unfold 27 " "
>                \set stanza = "4." Now }
>    \addlyrics { \lyricsIV \repeat unfold 27 " "
>                \set stanza = "5." Ah }
>    \addlyrics { \lyricsV }
>    \new StaffGroup <<
>      \new Staff \with { \clef "treble_8" } { \guitar }
>      \new TabStaff { \guitar }
>  \layout { }
> }
> \score {
>  <<
>    \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "violin" } \unfoldRepeats
>    \keepWithTag norepeat { \melody }
>    \addlyrics { \lyricsI \refrain \lyricsII \refrain \lyricsIII \refrain
>                \lyricsIV \refrain \lyricsV \refrain }
>    \new TabStaff \unfoldRepeats { \guitar }
>  \midi { \tempo 2. = 40 }
> }
way to go! ;)

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