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Re: Bach Cello Suite for Bassoon...Typed in LilyPond!!!

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: Bach Cello Suite for Bassoon...Typed in LilyPond!!!
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 15:26:41 +0200

2014-04-18 4:00 GMT+02:00 Ryan McClure <address@hidden>:
> Hello all!
> I'm currently arranging the Bach Cello Suites for Bassoon. I'm arranging them 
> to be more playable on the bassoon (breathing, articulations, etc.) with the 
> help of my private teacher. Attached is the Praeludium of the first 
> suite--How does it look? I want to make this the best edition that I can.


nice work.
One thought: I think the final chord should have more padding to the
left, i.e. it should be moved to the middle of the bar.
I once wrote a code to do that.
the coding:

Though, it doesn't work anymore, because nowadays there is no pointer
from NoteColumn to its Arpeggio anymore, at least I found none.
My question about it misses any reply so far.

You could try overriding NoteColumn 'X-offset, this will affect other
spacing, though.


\relative c' {
    \clef bass
    \key g\major
    g'16(^\markup \italic "sim."
      a, d, a') g'( a,) g'( a,) g'( a, d, a') g'( a,) g'( a,)
    fis'( c d, c') fis( c) fis( c) fis( c d, c') fis( c) fis( c)
    \override Staff.NoteColumn.X-offset = #3
    \override Script.padding = #0.4
    \arpeggioArrowUp <g, b' g'>1\ff\fermata\arpeggio
    \bar "|."

A little more padding for the fermata is added, too.


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