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Re: Text above chord names - continued.

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: Text above chord names - continued.
Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 12:50:54 +0200


2014-05-29 10:08 GMT+02:00 Lars-Johan Liman <address@hidden>:
> Hi!
> My trusty friend Google found me a useful code snippet by Thomas Morley
> (Many thanks, Thomas!) in this message:

Glad that it is still useful

> to put text above the chord names. It's almost perfect. The one drawback
> I've found is that is "pushes" the next note to the end of the text. So
> if the text is of any length, a noticeable "gap" appears in the notes
> below. I'm not deep enough into Lilypond yet to figure out a fix for
> this on my own. Is anyone else intrigued enough to spend a few cycles on
> finding a solution? (Thomas? ;-)

Well, the function takes a markup-argument.
You could insert \with-dimensions ...
see below
Drawback is, that it may cause collisions.

> Here's an example that makes it very obvious:
> %----------------------------------------------------------------------
> \version "2.18.0"
> addMarkup =
> #(define-music-function (parser location mrkp)(markup?)
> #{
>   \once \override ChordName.before-line-breaking =
>     #(lambda (grob)
>       (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text
>         #{
>            \markup
>              \override #'(direction . 1)
>              \dir-column { $(ly:grob-property grob 'text) #mrkp }
>         #}))
> #})
> <<
> \new ChordNames \chordmode {
>     \addMarkup \markup \italic "Solo second time"

      \markup \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(-1 . 1) \italic "Solo second time"

>     a b c:7 d:m5- | a b c:7 d:m5- |
> }
> \new Staff {
>     \clef treble
>     \key c \major
>     \time 4/4
>     a' b' c'' d'' | a' b' c'' d'' |
> }
> %----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                                 Best regards,
>                                   /Lars-Johan Liman
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