\version "2.19.14" #(set-global-staff-size 20) \paper { #(set-paper-size "letter") left-margin = 0.7\in right-margin = 0.7\in top-margin = 0.5\in bottom-margin = 0.5\in system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 1) (padding . 5)) page-count = #1 #(define fonts (set-global-fonts #:music "paganini" #:brace "emmentaler" #:roman "Century Schoolbook L" #:sans "sans-serif" #:typewriter "monospace" #:factor (/ staff-height pt 20) )) } \header { title = "You Are My King (Amazing Love)" %subtitle = \markup {\smallCaps "anna" } composer = "Billy J. Foote" %poet = "Joshua Nichols, 2012" copyright = \markup { \center-column { \line {"CCLI Song # 2456623" } \line {"© 1996 worshiptogether.com songs"} \line {"For use solely with the Song Select Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com"} \line {"CCLI License #147742"} } } tagline = "" } global = { \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4 \key e \major \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'() \set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/4) \set Timing.beatStructure = #'(1 1 1 1) } sopRefrainNotes = \relative c'' { \tempo \markup { \box { Refrain } } \repeat volta 2 { r8. e,16 b'8 b16 b~ b4. cis8~ cis b4 b8 fis16( e8.~ e4) r8. e16 e fis( e) gis~ gis8 gis16 a( gis8) fis16 fis~ fis1 r8. e16 b'8 b16 b~ b4. cis8~ cis b4 b8 fis16( e8.~ e4) r4 e16 fis( e) gis~ gis8 gis16 a( gis8) fis16 fis~ } \alternative { { fis1 } {fis2 r8 gis16 fis~ fis8 e~ } } e8 fis( e4) r8 fis fis e16 e~ e2 r R1 \bar "||" \tempo \markup { \box { Bridge } } gis2. fis16( e) fis8~ fis e4. r2 gis2. fis16( e) fis8~ fis e4. r4 e8 fis gis2. fis16( e) fis8~ fis e4. r4 e8 fis gis2. fis16( e) fis8~ fis e4. r2 \bar "||" } sopVerseNotes = \relative c'' { \global \tempo \markup { \box { Verse } } \repeat volta 2 { r4 gis8 fis16 fis~ fis e8.~ e b16 gis'8 a16 gis~ gis8 gis16 gis~ gis fis8. r4 r gis8 fis fis e4. r8 gis16 gis~ gis8 fis16 fis~ fis2 r4 b8 b16 b~ b8 b16 fis( e8) e gis a16 gis~ gis8 a16 gis16~ gis8 fis r8. dis16 e4 gis8 fis~ fis fis16 fis~ fis8 e16 e~ e2 r \break } } refrainLyrics = \lyricmode { A -- maz -- ing love, __ how __ can it be __ that You, my __ King, __ would die __ for me? __ A -- maz -- ing love, __ I __ know it's true; __ it's my __ joy __ to hon -- or You. __ _ In all __ I __ do __ I hon -- or You. __ You are __ my __ King, You are __ my __ King. Je -- sus, You are __ my __ King. Je -- sus, You are __ my __ King. } verseLyricsOne = \lyricmode { I'm for -- giv -- en __ be -- cause You were __ for -- sak -- en. I'm ac -- cept -- ed; You were __ con -- demned. __ I'm a -- live __ and well, __ Your Spir -- it is __ with -- in __ me be -- cause You died __ and rose __ a -- gain. __ } \score { << \new Staff = "top" { \clef treble << \new Voice = "sopVrs" { \sopVerseNotes } >> << \new Voice = "sopRef" { \sopRefrainNotes } >> } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopRef" { \refrainLyrics } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopVrs" { \verseLyricsOne } >> } \layout { indent = 0.0\cm \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } }