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How to position a markup on top of the system?

From: Wim van Dommelen
Subject: How to position a markup on top of the system?
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 17:00:48 +0100


I’m trying to position an arrow on the system, please see the added .PNG for what the composer originally wrote down on paper.

I tried the following code in Lilypond. All irrelevant noise removed, this compiles correctly:

\version "2.18.0"

% an arrow used to signal low play:
achtvabassaarrow = \markup {
\hspace #1
\vspace #15 % see description problem
\fontsize #5
\center-column {
   \draw-line #'(0 . 4)
   \arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##f

problem = \relative f {
\time 5/4
\set Staff.ottavation = #"8vb" % 8va bassa in second player
\once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.direction = #DOWN

%to position the arrow nicely:
\once \override TextScript.Y-offset = #-6 % see description problem
r4^\achtvabassaarrow g'16 fis g fis g fis e fis g g fis8~ fis4 |


\score {
    \layout {
#(layout-set-staff-size 15)

Changing the Y-offset moves the object but it keeps on flipping on top or below the system lines. I want on to be just there, as an overlay. Changing the vspace in the markup item changes the item and indeed “moves” it, but because of the bounding box I cannot get it on top.

What is the easiest method to do mimic the attached PNG example?


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