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Re: Dividing a measure with a dotted bar line

From: Kieren MacMillan
Subject: Re: Dividing a measure with a dotted bar line
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 11:56:23 -0500

Hi Knute,

> What I don't have is the barline between the third and fourth beat, the 
> parenthesized time signature lowered, and a (fake?) time signature of 3/4  
> (or do use 3/4 and 2/4 measures and fake the 5/4?)  The time signature is 
> just at the beginning of the piece; the dotted barline will show up several 
> times.

Below is a modified snippet showing one possible solution to some of the issues 
you are facing.
Notice also that I moved shared information to a global variable — makes it 
much easier to maintain (IMO).
I would probably just add the parenthesized time signature as a markup in the 
Dynamics context (though there are other ways of making it happen).

Hope this helps!

\version "2.19.15"
\language "english"

global = {
  \tempo "Modéré" 4 = 84
  \key a \major
  \time 5/4
  \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 3/4
  s2. \bar "!" s2

upperStaffTop = \relative c' {
  \oneVoice r4
  \voiceOne <e e'>8 ( <a a'> <bf d e bf'>4 <e, e'> ) 
  \oneVoice r |

upperStaffBottom = \relative c'' {
  s4 <a cs>4 s2. |

lowerStaffTop = \relative c' {
  r4 <a cs> <d e g> e, r |

lowerStaffBottom = \relative c, {
  a4-. e''8 ( a bf4 e, ) e,-. ( |
  a,4-. )

dynamics = {
  s4 s -\tweak #'X-offset #-4 \pp s16 s8. -\tweak #'to-barline ##f \> s2\!   |

%% --- Boilerplate

upperStaff = {
  \clef treble
    \new Voice { \voiceOne \upperStaffTop }
    \new Voice { \voiceTwo \upperStaffBottom }

lowerStaff = {
  \clef bass
    \new Voice { \voiceThree \lowerStaffTop }
    \new Voice { \voiceFour \lowerStaffBottom }

\score {
  \removeWithTag #'played
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff = "upper" { \upperStaff }
    \new Dynamics = "dyns" { \dynamics }
    \new Staff = "lower" { \lowerStaff } 
  \layout {
%%% -- End


Kieren MacMillan, composer
www:  <>
email:  address@hidden

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