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Re: How to extract the current time signature

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: How to extract the current time signature
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 03:00:23 +0100

2015-01-22 2:09 GMT+01:00 tisimst <address@hidden>:
> I'd like to extract the current numerator and denominator of the time
> signature at any point in time. How can I do this in scheme? A robust
> solution (i.e., one that can handle compound time signatures) is always
> preferred, but I can settle for "normal" time signatures with a single
> numerator and denominator.
> Thanks,
> Abraham


\version "2.19.15"

printTimeSignatureFraction =
\applyContext #(lambda (ctx)
  (let* ((context
           (ly:context-property-where-defined ctx 'timeSignatureFraction))
           (ly:context-property context 'timeSignatureFraction)))
  (display time-sig-frac)))

\relative c' {
    \time 3/2
    \printTimeSignatureFraction % => (3 . 2)
        \compoundMeter #'((1 4) (3 8))
    \printTimeSignatureFraction % => (5 . 8) !!
        \repeat unfold 5 c8 \repeat unfold 10 c16

Though the compound TimeSig will return "summarized"


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