\version "2.18.2" \pointAndClickOff \include "carloSixFourSeven.ly" \include "carloSixFourEight.ly" \include "carloSixFourNine.ly" \include "carloSixFiveZero.ly" \include "carloSixFiveOne.ly" \paper { ragged-bottom = ##f ragged-last-bottom = ##f tocItemMarkup = \tocItemWithDotsMarkup } %% General layout & contexts: \layout { ragged-right = ##f indent = 0 \context { \Score \omit BarNumber } \context { \StaffGroup \omit SystemStartBracket } \context { \Staff \clef "F_8" \numericTimeSignature } \context { \TabStaff stringTunings = #bass-tuning \clef "moderntab" \tabFullNotation \omit TimeSignature } } %%% BOOK FOUR %%% \book { \header { %% custom title: title = \markup\column { { \combine \score { \new Staff \with { \omit Clef \omit TimeSignature \omit ClefModifier \omit BarLine } { s } \layout { indent = 0 ragged-right = ##f } } \fill-line { \null \bold \lower #1.5 \fontsize #1 \whiteout \typewriter "BOOK FOUR" \null } } \vspace #1 } tagline = "" } %%% African Riffs \bookpart { \header { %% custom title: subtitle = \markup\column { \vspace #1 \fill-line { \null \concat { \bold \fontsize #3 \typewriter "African Riffs" \hspace #15 } } \vspace #1 } } %%% Here come the scores: %% 647, with chord names: \tocItem \markup "647" % <= added in the Table of Content \score { << %\new ChordNames \exeSixFourChords % <= here come the chords \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \exeSixFourSeven \new TabStaff \exeSixFourSeven >> >> \layout { system-count = 1 % <= specify the number of system (avoid '\break' & '\noBreak' work) } \header { piece = \markup\sans\bold\fontsize #5 "647" } } %% 648: \tocItem \markup "648" % <= added in the Table of Content \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \exeSixFourEight \new TabStaff \exeSixFourEight >> \layout { system-count = 1 % <= specify the number of system (avoid '\break' & '\noBreak' work) } \header { piece = \markup\sans\bold\fontsize #5 "648" } } %% 649: \tocItem \markup "649" % <= added in the Table of Content \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \exeSixFourNine \new TabStaff \exeSixFourNine >> \layout { system-count = 1 % <= specify the number of system (avoid '\break' & '\noBreak' work) } \header { piece = \markup\sans\bold\fontsize #5 "649" } } %% 650: \tocItem \markup "650" % <= added in the Table of Content \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \exeSixFiveZero \new TabStaff \exeSixFiveZero >> \layout { system-count = 2 % <= specify the number of system (avoid '\break' & '\noBreak' work) } \header { piece = \markup\sans\bold\fontsize #5 "650" } } %% 651: \tocItem \markup "651" % <= added in the Table of Content \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \exeSixFiveOne \new TabStaff \exeSixFiveOne >> \layout { system-count = 1 % <= specify the number of system (avoid '\break' & '\noBreak' work) } \header { piece = \markup\sans\bold\fontsize #5 "651" } } } \markuplist \table-of-contents }