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Questions about the edition engraver

From: Noeck
Subject: Questions about the edition engraver
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 23:03:10 +0200
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I just tried the edition engraver on a more complex (real life) score
and I have some questions. Is this the right place to ask?

So far I have this structure (simplified) and ~30 \editionMods:
\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff = "md"
    \with { \consists \editionEngraver edition }
    \new Voice \RHand
    \new Staff = "mg"
    \with { \consists \editionEngraver edition }
    \new Voice \LHand
  \layout {
    \context {
      \consists \editionEngraver my.test % set this to your "global"
       % what is this?
    \context {
      \consists \editionEngraver ##f

1. Can I use the same tweak at several points in time? Or do I have to
add and \editionMod every time.

2. What do the letters mean in edition.Staff.A?
   A numbering? How can I know which voice is which?
   Can I test that (like \displayEngraverNameHere)?

3. How can I address a temporary voice in some measure?
   a) One with << · \\ · >>?
   b) One with << · \new Voice { · } >>?
   (So far I

4. What does the word 'edition' after the \editionEngraver mean?
   Can I choose this name? Why would I need more than one?

5. Can I put tweaks with the edition engraver?
   Like coloring the second of three note heads in a chord?
   { <c \tweak #'color #red e g> }

And more style-guide like:

6. Would you consider \voiceOne etc. content or layout? \noBeam?
   \tempo? \bar? I.e. would you enter it in the musical content
   or via the edition engraver?

7. Would you write a Dynamics context using spacer rests or entirely
   using the edition engraver? { s1\p | s | s\ff … } or { s1*55 } and
   the rest is done by the edition engraver? Is that possible at all?

8. And unrelated to the edition engraver: What do you prefer:
   a8\noBeam a16 a   or   a8 a16[ a] ?
   In both cases the measure is filled up with 16th notes (12 more).

Thanks for your help!

PS: To avoid confusion: I am using the edition engraver from
OpenLilyLib/editorial-tools/edition-engraver, commit 231dadba70a from
Apr 7th.

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