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Re: Putting lyrics below its staff?

From: Phil Holmes
Subject: Re: Putting lyrics below its staff?
Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 09:20:39 +0100

Without looking at this in too much depth, it appears that it's an issue with creating temporary voices, which is becoming a bit of a FAQ.  Lilypond is not generally able to attach lyrics to temporary voices.  If you restructure the music to use only staves and voices that are permanent (with appropriate spacer rests) I would expect you to get what you want.
Developers/documenters: is this a documentation issue?

Phil Holmes
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 9:04 AM
Subject: Putting lyrics below its staff?

I am working on a piece of choir music. It consists of two parts, the first of which is written on one staff, and the second two staves. The upper staff in part two is a continuation of the staff in part one. All the staves are accompanied with lyrics. My wish is that this lyrics should be written below its respective staff. However, whatever I do, the lyrics for the lower staff in part two, which I denote C, is written above the staff, hence directly below the lyrics for the upper staff (B). I suspect there should be a simple solution for this, and in the handbook they say that the lyrics is normally written below the staff. To get it above the staff you would have to do some overrides.

In the code you can see the commented lines, which are part of all the tries I have done, but nothing seems to help. To me it almost looks as if the behaviour is hard coded, just because of putting the lyrics between the staves is the normal. After an experience like this I feel strengthened in a thought, grown in my head, that LilyPond will never ever be a tool for everybody. It is too complicated and inconsistent to be used by anybody else than the absolute top expert. Which is a pity, as it produces an excellent result.

This is the result of my efforts so far:

\version "2.18.2"

\paper { ragged-right = ##t }

mA = \relative c' { c4 d e f }
mB = \relative c'' { g4 a b c }
mC = \relative c' { c'4 b a8 g f4 }
mAB = \relative c' { c4 d e f g4 a b c }

tA = \lyricmode { A B C D }
tB = \lyricmode { E F G H }
tC = \lyricmode { i j k l m }
tAB = \lyricmode { A B C D E F G H }

xA = { s1*1 \break }
xB = { s1*1 }
xC = { s1*1 }

\score {
  \new ChoirStaff
    \new Staff = "sAB" {
        \new Voice = "vAB" { \mAB }
          \new Voice = "vA" { \xA }
            \new Voice = "vB" { \xB }
            \new Staff = "sC" {
              \new Voice = "vC" { \mC }
    \new Lyrics = "lAB" \lyricsto "vAB" { \tAB }
    \new Lyrics = "lC" \with {
%     alignBelowContext = #"sC"
%     \override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-affinity = #UP
    { \lyricsto "vC" { \tC } }
  \layout { indent = #0 }

which produces this:
--- (Image from LilyPond) ---

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