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Re: VoltaBracket flipped vertically

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: VoltaBracket flipped vertically
Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 18:09:23 +0200

2012-12-19 16:15 GMT+01:00 Daniel Rosen <address@hidden>:
> I'm trying to get VoltaBrackets to appear both above and below the Score. 
> I've come up with the solution below, which works quite well, but I'd like to 
> get the volta text to appear inside the bracket, as it does when VoltaBracket 
> #'direction is not altered. Is there a way to do this? I can't seem to find a 
> separate layout object for the volta text.
> %%% example starts
> \version "2.16.1"
> <<
>   \new Voice { \repeat unfold 12 { c' } }
>   \new Dynamics \with {
>     \consists "Volta_engraver"
>     \override VoltaBracket #'direction = #-1
>   } {
>     \repeat volta 2 { s1 }
>     \alternative { { s1 } { s1 } }
>   }
> %%% example ends
> DR

Hi all,

I revive this (very) old thread, because of a request in the german Forum.

Is there really no other possibility than poking in the stencul-expr,
which will likely break soon?

\version "2.19.20"

\layout {
  indent = #0
  \context { \Score \remove "Volta_engraver" }

\new Staff \with {
  \consists "Volta_engraver"
  \override VoltaBracket.direction = #DOWN
  \override VoltaBracketSpanner.direction = #DOWN

  \override VoltaBracket.after-line-breaking =
  #(lambda (grob)
    (let* ((default-stil (ly:volta-bracket-interface::print grob))
           (x-ext (ly:stencil-extent default-stil X))
           (y-ext (ly:stencil-extent default-stil Y))
           (stencil-expr (ly:stencil-expr default-stil)))

    (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil
        (cons 'combine-stencil
              (list 'translate-stencil '(0 . 2.3))
              (list (cadr (third stencil-expr ))))
            (cddr (third stencil-expr))))



\relative c' {
  \repeat volta 2 { c1 }
  \alternative {
    { c }
    { c }


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